March Parent Newsletter
Please keep the calendar sent home for reference throughout the month.
St. Boniface families are selling chances for two gift cards: 1st prize is a $4,000 Mastercard and 2nd is a $,1000 gift card. Contact a St. Boniface student or family for a ticket. Tickets are $100 each with only 150 available.
Junior/Senior parents – please turn in at the office $25.00 per family for Post Prom by April 6th.
February 28th– Our second graders First Reconciliation.
During Lent St. Boniface School will have Stations of the Cross in church at 3:00 p.m. on March 9 and 23. Pope John students will have Stations during their Theology classes.
There will be no school on March 2nd and 16th. March 16th is PJ’s Junior High Academic Field Day. The NHS students sponsor this event.
March 3rd – Francis and Joshua Houses will have a paper drive. Sing Around Nebraska for 4-6th students at Bartlett has been rescheduled for this date.
March 9th – Elgin Public Schools do not have class, therefore no north bus service. Also there will not be afternoon bus service for the north route on March 29th.
Tuition Scholarships 2018-19– Forms for the OAEF (high school only). OAEF application is due Thursday, March 29th, please return to school. The Children’s Scholarship (K-8 only) is online. Please read instructions carefully. The Children’s Scholarship must be filled out online. Applications for Children’s Scholarships are officially open for the 2018-19 school year! More information can be found on the website,. As a reminder, applications will close on May 4. The application is for returning and new families and must be completed online. The Awaken Greatness Grant for Pre K-12th, which will be available online at a later date, is for families who do not qualify for OAEF and/or the Children’s scholarship, or if not awarded a scholarship.
The St. Boniface Parish will have their auction on Sunday, March 11th. The students will be donating a garden statue of Jesus with Children. Come bid!
March 13th– School board meetings: The Pope John finance committee will meet at 7:00 p.m. The St. Boniface meeting is at 7:30 p.m. followed by the combined meeting and then Pope John’s.
March 14th– District Speech at Hartington. The end of 3rd quarter.
March 15th– Early dismissal at 1:00 p.m. School of Faith at 1:30 p.m. We will also have requested parent/teacher conferences starting at 4:00 p.m. If you do not receive a letter requesting a conference but would like to meet with a teacher(s) please contact the school. If you would like a scheduled conference, a time will be mailed at a later date.
March-16th– No school as Pope John’s NHS will host the Junior High Academic Field Day and Mrs. Bartak and faculty will host a high school quiz bowl. You are welcome to attend both events.
March 20th– Miles of Smiles information and forms will be sent home with the students prior to the date. This is an opportunity for your child to have their teeth checked. If you would like to have your child participate complete the form and return it their classroom teacher by March 15th.
March 23rd- State Speech at UNK.
March 25th– Palm Sunday and the Pope John Development Dinner at Werner Hall in Petersburg. Call the school for tickets.
March 26th – Chrism Mass at the Cathedral in Omaha at 11:00 a.m. Pope John students not involved in other activities on the 26th will attend. Students will need to dress up and the bus will leave at 7:00 a.m. Please check calendar for other activities scheduled.
March 30th through April 2nd. – Easter break.
Looking ahead to April
4th-6th – State FFA
8th-St. Boniface First Communion
13th- New Student Visitation Day at St. Boniface and Pope John XXIII
23rd & 25th – Crusader J.A.M.