Friday, March 19, 2021
Menu: Peanut Butter & Jelly Uncrustable or Grilled Cheese or Fish Square/Bun Smile Fries Corn Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Monday: * ___________________________________________________________________________*
All school Mass this morning at 8:15 in the St. Boniface Church.
Happy Birthday to Sister Pat, Abby & Trista H. who are celebrating their birthdays today and Isaac H. who will celebrate his tomorrow.
Good Luck to our speech students competing at state today at Kearney High School. Linus, Skylar R., Kaylee, Ally, Emma Lea, Emma M., Jack, Skyer M., Brooklyn, Matthew & Cale.
Prom activities will be held tomorrow.
We will be having a cheer celebration on Thursday morning at 7:30 for the 3 cheerleaders in the EPS kindergarten room!
Juniors and seniors: See Mrs. Bartak and pay prom fees before leaving today.
Students interested in being a crew member for the musical—please sign up outside the music room.
Dance team members—return tops to Mrs. Tisthammer or Mrs. Schindler (cleaned) by Friday. Dance tryout sheet in the office.
City of Elgin is looking for lifeguards for the summer. Applications may be submitted to City Hall (letter stating interest in the position).