Monday: Corndog Sun Chips Baked Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad ___________________________________________________________________________
Happy Valentine’s Day.
The Eucharist will be celebrated at 8:15 this morning in the St. Boniface Church.
Happy Birthday to Kami C. celebrating her birthday on Sunday.
Good Luck to our JH boys’ basketball team competing with Humphrey-Lindsay (@ Humphrey) today at 3:00 p.m. They are dismissed at 1:00 p.m. There will be a full “A” game with a 10-minute running clock of “B”
Good Luck to our boys wrestling team competing at districts at Central Valley (Greeley) today and tomorrow. The meet begins at 2:00 this afternoon and 9:00 tomorrow morning. They are dismissed at 10:15 this morning.
Good Luck to our speech team competing in the Burwell Meet tomorrow.
Congratulations to our JV girls and varsity basketball teams on their wins over Randolph yesterday.
The EPPJ State Wrestling shirt order site is open and will close on Sunday, February 16th at 11:00 a.m.! NO late orders will be accepted due to the quick turnaround!
Reminder of Joshua bake sale today with the proceeds will go to the Sienna Francis House in Omaha.
The parishes are accepting registration for the Steubenville Youth Conference which will be held in Springfield, MO July 11-13th. Deposit of $100 and registration is due by February 14th to Parish Office P O Box 608, Petersburg, NE 68652. Here is the link: