Menu: Taco Burger/Bun Corn Cookies & Cream Salad Fruit Milk NO CHEF SALAD
Monday: ___________________________________________________________________________ Catholic Schools Week.: “Celebrating Faculty, Staff & Volunteers” Parents Day
All School Mass will be celebrated at 11:00 this morning in the St. Boniface Church followed by lunch. L-Z will eat first and A-K at 12:30 p.m. An assembly with our Artists in Residence will be performed at 1:30 p.m. in the St. Boniface Gym. Pope John students will have a Scrabble Tourn. and St. Boniface students will have activities.
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Borer who is celebrating her birthday today and Layne B. who will celebrate his on Saturday.
Good Luck to our wrestling team competing in Greeley today at 11:00 a.m. Note time change.
Good Luck to our JH boy’s basketball team competing in the Elkhorn Valley Tournament. They are dismissed at 2:30 p.m. and will leave at 2:45 this afternoon from EPS. Their first game is at 4:00 with N-O in the old gym.
Leftover bake sale items will be sold in the Library on Monday from 8:15-10:50.
Good Luck to our basketball teams as we begin NVC action tomorrow in Niobrara. Boys vs. North Central at 2:00 and girls vs. N-V at 3:30 p.m.
All juniors and sophomores need to take their dictionary from Mrs. Payne to Mrs. Bartak’s room before Mass
*TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) Weekends are* offered on two weekends in 2020: Friday‑Sunday, March 20-22 near Crofton, and Friday‑Sunday, July 31-Aug. 2 at Tintern Retreat Center, near Oakdale (note date change). Weekends are specifically designed for second semester high school juniors to age 23. TEC costs $75 and scholarships are available. To register, please talk to someone who has made a TEC to register, there are forms in the office, or go to and search “TEC”. If you have questions, please contact Terry Reicks, 402‑741‑0165.
Menu: Chicken Nuggets Mashed Potatoes/Gravy Carrots Bread Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Friday: Taco Burger/Bun Corn Cookies & Cream Salad Fruit Milk NO CHEF SALAD _______________________________________________________________________ Catholic Schools Week.: “Celebrating Vocations”
Happy Birthday to Darby C. who is celebrating her birthday today.
Pope John breakfast/activities period 1 in the lunchroom.
Wrestling team will be absent all day tomorrow for a meet in Greeley. The meet will now begin at 11:00 a.m. and not 1:00 p.m. Luke will leave after period 1.
Good Luck to our JV boys and varsity basketball teams as we host HHS-LHF this afternoon at 4:45 in the EPS Gym. JV boys will play 3 quarters.
NHS is hosting a bake sale today during periods 3 and 7. Each item is 50 cents and goes to support our Seminarians.
All Conference selection pictures will be this afternoon at 1:00. The following students should please report to the front hall at this time: Bre, Brynn, Luke, Faith, Haley, Alyssa, Marissa, Skylar and Ally.
*TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) Weekends are* offered on two weekends in 2020: Friday‑Sunday, March 20-22 near Crofton, and Friday‑Sunday, July 31-Aug. 2 at Tintern Retreat Center, near Oakdale (note date change). Weekends are specifically designed for second semester high school juniors to age 23. TEC costs $75 and scholarships are available. To register, please talk to someone who has made a TEC to register, there are forms in the office, or go to and search “TEC”. If you have questions, please contact Terry Reicks, 402‑741‑0165
Menu: Cornbread Sausage Baked Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Thursday: Chicken Nuggets Mashed Potatoes/Gravy Carrots Bread Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad _________________________________________________________________________ Catholic Schools Week.: “Celebrate the Nation”
“Tour of Kindness” Assembly at St. Mary’s in O’Neill today. 3rd – 6th will eat lunch at 11:00 this morning and leave at 11:30 a.m. 7-12th will eat at noon and leave at 12:30 p.m.
Congratulations to our varsity girls and boys basketball teams on their wins over Winside yesterday.
NHS is hosting a bake sale tomorrow during periods 3 and 7. Each item is 50 cents and goes to support our Seminarians.
Congratulations to Faith K. on being awarded the K-HOP and Regents at UNK.
All Conference selection pictures will be tomorrow afternoon at 1:00. The following students should please report to the front hall at this time: Bre, Brynn, Luke, Faith, Haley, Alyssa, Marissa, Skylar and Ally. Congratulations!
Musical practice for all cast will be at 6:30 tonight in the music room.
We are still missing the white binder with musical items, etc. Check your lockers to see if it was accidentally placed there.
Juniors will attend Mass with St. Boniface at 8:15 and sophomores will report to room 12 for study period 3 today.
FFA Meeting/Supper 6:15 this evening. Note time change.
*TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) Weekends are* offered on two weekends in 2020: Friday‑Sunday, March 20-22 near Crofton, and Friday‑Sunday, July 31-Aug. 2 at Tintern Retreat Center, near Oakdale (note date change). Weekends are specifically designed for second semester high school juniors to age 23. TEC costs $75 and scholarships are available. To register, please talk to someone who has made a TEC to register, there are forms in the office, or go to and search “TEC”. If you have questions, please contact Terry Reicks, 402‑741‑0165.
Menu: Chili Soup Pull-a-Part Bread Cookie Fruit Milk NO Chef Salad
Wednesday; Cornbread Sausage Baked Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad ______________________________________________________________________
Catholic Schools Week.: “Celebrate Your Students”
Juniors and 6th grade will be hosing Business Appreciation Luncheon at the KC Hall serving from 11:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.
Good Luck to our Quiz Bowl team who will be competing with West Holt at 11:30 this morning.
Good Luck to our varsity basketball teams as we host Winside beginning at 6:00 this evening in the EPS Gym.
NHS will be hosting a bake sale on Thursday during periods 3 and 7. Each item is 50 cents and goes to support our Seminarians.
If anyone has found a white binder with musical and other information, please bring it to the office.
Musical practice for all cast will be at 6:30 Wednesday night in the music room.
*TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) Weekends are* offered on two weekends in 2020: Friday‑Sunday, March 20-22 near Crofton, and Friday‑Sunday, July 31-Aug. 2 at Tintern Retreat Center, near Oakdale (note date change). Weekends are specifically designed for second semester high school juniors to age 23. TEC costs $75 and scholarships are available. To register, please talk to someone who has made a TEC to register, there are forms in the office, or go to and search “TEC”. If you have questions, please contact Terry Reicks, 402‑741‑0165.
Menu: Hot Dog w/ WG Bun Baked Fries Green Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Tuesday; Chili Soup Pull-a-Part Bread Cookie Fruit Milk NO Chef Salad
Lunch Order: 9,8,7,12,11,10 ___________________________________________________________________________ Catholic Schools Week.: Celebrating Your Community.
February calendar items are due in the office by noon today.
A covered cake pan was left from the football awards night at EPS. It contained a fruit pizza. If you claim the pan please let the office or EPS know.
NHS will be hosting a bake sale on Thursday during periods 3 and 7. Each item is 50 cents and goes to support our Seminarians.
Musical practice for all cast will be at 6:30 Wednesday night in the music room.
*TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) Weekends are* offered on two weekends in 2020: Friday‑Sunday, March 20-22 near Crofton, and Friday‑Sunday, July 31-Aug. 2 at Tintern Retreat Center, near Oakdale (note date change). Weekends are specifically designed for second semester high school juniors to age 23. TEC costs $75 and scholarships are available. To register, please talk to someone who has made a TEC to register, there are forms in the office, or go to and search “TEC”. If you have questions, please contact Terry Reicks, 402‑741‑0165.
Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him and we will come to him. How will I respond to that love? Am I being called to the priesthood or religious life? If you think God is call you to be a priest, religious, or deacon, speak to an Adult Religious.
Menu: Pizza (round) Tri-Pattie Baked Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Monday: Hot Dog w/ WG Bun Baked Fries Green Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad _______________________________________________________________________ Good Luck to our wrestling team as they compete in Neligh tomorrow beginning at 10:00 a.m.
Please remind your parents that if they would like to eat with you on Parents Day during Catholic Schools Week (Friday, January 31st) they need to call the lunchroom today. (843.2464)
February calendar items are due in the office by noon on Monday.
Congratulations to our JH girls and boys basketball teams on their wins over Osmond yesterday.
* TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) Weekends are* offered on two weekends in 2020: Friday‑Sunday, March 20-22 near Crofton, and Friday‑Sunday, July 31-Aug. 2 at Tintern Retreat Center, near Oakdale (note date change). Weekends are specifically designed for second semester high school juniors to age 23. TEC costs $75 and scholarships are available. To register, please talk to someone who has made a TEC to register, there are forms in the office, or go to and search “TEC”. If you have questions, please contact Terry Reicks, 402‑741‑0165.
Menu: Mr. Rib/Bun Scalloped Potatoes Green Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Friday: Pizza (round) Tri-Pattie Baked Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad __________________________________________________________________________ Good Luck to our wrestling team as they compete in NVC at Niobrara-Verdigre today beginning at 5:00 p.m. They will be dismissed at 1:30 this afternoon.
Good Luck to our JH girl’s and boys’ basketball teams as we host Osmond for a 4:00 p.m. game in the EPS Gym. JH girl’s “A” will play the first game, “B” team will follow with a running clock. Same schedule for the boys.
Please remind your parents that if they would like to eat with you on Parents Day during Catholic Schools Week (Friday, January 31st) they need to call the lunchroom by Friday, January 24th. (843.2464)
February calendar items are due in the office by noon on Monday.
* TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) Weekends are* offered on two weekends in 2020: Friday‑Sunday, March 20-22 near Crofton, and Friday‑Sunday, July 31-Aug. 2 at Tintern Retreat Center, near Oakdale (note date change). Weekends are specifically designed for second semester high school juniors to age 23. TEC costs $75 and scholarships are available. To register, please talk to someone who has made a TEC to register, there are forms in the office, or go to and search “TEC”. If you have questions, please contact Terry Reicks, 402‑741‑0165.
Menu: Spaghetti & Meatsauce Corn Cinnamon Roll Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Friday: Hot Dog w/ WG Bun Baked Fries Baked Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad ___________________________________________________________________________
Good Luck to our JH girls and boys basketball teams as they travel to Orchard to play Summerland at 4:00 p.m. Bus will leave at 2:30 this afternoon from Pope John. Girls “A” will play the first game followed by the “B” team and same for the boys.
Stuart boys’ basketball team will be hosting a “lasagna supper” beginning at 5:00 p.m. tomorrow during our games. The meal is $7 and includes lasagna, cheese bread, dessert and drink.
Please remind your parents that if they would like to eat with you on Parents Day during Catholic Schools Week (Friday, January 31st) they need to call the lunchroom by Friday, January 24th. (843.2464)
Menu: Chicken Fajitas w/ Soft Shell Green Beans Strawberry Salad Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Thursday: Spaghetti & Meatsauce Corn Cinnamon Roll Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad _____________________________________________________________________________Congratulations to our varsity girls basketball team on their win over Fullerton yesterday.
Ag classes periods 2 and 4 will remain here today. Be sure to take homework to study hall.
Stuart boys’ basketball team will be hosting a “lasagna supper” beginning at 5:00 p.m. this Friday during our games. The mean is $7 and includes lasagna, cheese bread, dessert and drink.
Menu: Meatloaf Scalloped Potatoes Broccoli Dinner Bun Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Wednesday: Chicken Fajitas w/ Soft Shell Green Beans Strawberry Salad Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad ________________________________________________________________________ Happy Birthday to Breanna B. who is celebrating her birthday today.
Our NHS Induction and Mass will be celebrated at 11:50 this morning in the St. Boniface Church. Congratulations to our new members: juniors-Ashtyn M. and Skylar R. sophomores- Emily M. and Kaylee R. Newly inducted members are asked to stop in the office after lunch.
Good Luck to our basketball teams as we host Fullerton beginning at 4:30 this afternoon in the St. Boniface Gym. JV boys will play 3 quarters. Isidore House members will clean up after the games.
If you have your completed textbook loan form…please bring it to the office immediately after announcements. Several are missing and they were due last Friday.
Pope John XXIII Central Catholic
P.O. Box 179
303 Remington
Elgin, NE 68636
Call 402-843-5325
Fax 402-843-2297
- Friday, February 14, 2025February 14, 2025 - 3:36 pm
Menu: Spaghetti/Meatsauce Corn Garlic Bread Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad Monday: Corndog Sun Chips Baked Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad ___________________________________________________________________________ Happy Valentine’s Day. The Eucharist will be celebrated at 8:15 this morning in the St. Boniface Church. Happy Birthday to Kami C. celebrating her birthday on Sunday. Good Luck to our JH boys’ […]
You’re invited to join us!
See dates on school calendar.
February 17, 2025 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Pep Rally @ EPS
February 18, 2025 - February 19, 2025 @
Girls State Wrestling @ CHI -
February 18, 2025 @ 7:40 am - 8:40 am
Student Council Mtg. -
February 18, 2025 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
JH BBB @ Neligh -
February 18, 2025 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
GBB Subdistricts @ Elkhorn Valley
February 18, 2025 - February 19, 2025 @
Girls State Wrestling @ CHI -
February 19, 2025
5th Gr Trip to Stuhr Museum
February 20, 2025 - February 22, 2025 @
Boys State Wrestling