Menu: __________________________________________________________________________ Today we add the symbol of Mary and the Infant Jesus to the Jesse tree. During these weeks of Advent we have waited for the birth of Jesus in our hearts once again.
All school Eucharistic celebration this morning at 8:15 in the St. Boniface Church followed by an assembly in the library, exchange of Advent Gifts, Christmas movies and closing prayer in the front hall.
Wishing everyone a blessed and joyful holiday season. Classes will resume Tuesday, January 7th.
Happy Birthday to Skylar R., Cale K., Jasmine M and Kaitey S. who will celebrate their birthdays over the holidays.
Gonzaga House will clean up after basketball games on Saturday, January 4th.
NO Saturday morning Youth Basketball tomorrow.
Good Luck to those participating in the Little Kids Wrestling Tournament in the St. Boniface Gym today and to our wrestlers as we host the Wolfpack Invite tomorrow with wrestling beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Good Luck to our JV boys and varsity basketball teams as we travel to play Boyd County tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. JV boys will play 3 quarters followed by varsity games. Their Boosters are serving a meal consisting roast beef sandwiches, chips, and bars.
Good Luck to our basketball teams as they participate in the Holiday Tournament at Madison on Friday and Saturday, December 27th and 28th. On Friday the girls play Tekamah-Herman at 11:00 a.m. and the boys at 12:45 p.m.
Anyone wanting to be in the chorus of the musical, please turn in an audition form to Mrs. Becker before leaving today.
Menu: Chicken Noodle Soup Pull-a-Part Bread Cookie Fruit Milk NO Chef Salad __________________________________________________________________________ The symbol we add to the Jesse tree today is a lily. This reminds us of the Virgin Mary who was chosen to become the Mother of Jesus. She is our Mother too.
Happy Birthday to Carter B. who is celebrating his birthday today.
Good Luck to our JH girls’ basketball teams as we host Elkhorn Valley this afternoon at 3:30. “A” team will play the first game. Set up for Little Kids Wrestling will be after the games.
Boyd County Boosters are serving a meal Saturday at the basketball games consisting roast beef sandwiches, chips, and bars.
A small key was found in the hall yesterday and may be claimed in the office.
Anyone wanting to be in the chorus of the musical, please turn in an audition form to Mrs. Becker before leaving tomorrow.
Elgin Pubic Schools will be hosting a Blood Drive today from 1:00-6:00 p.m. at the KC Hall in Elgin. Please call the school (843.2455) for an appointment.
Menu: Chicken Breast Fillet w/ WG Bun Baked Fries Baked Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Thursday: Chicken Noodle Soup Pull-a-Part Bread Cookie Fruit Milk NO Chef Salad ___________________________________________________________________________ The symbol added to the Jesse tree today is carpenter’s tools. They remind us of Joseph of Nazareth who was chosen to be the foster father of Jesus. He provided for the Holy Family by working as a carpenter.
Happy Birthday to Eliza B., Jasmine D. & Ally S. who are celebrating their birthdays today.
Pope John XXIII/St. Boniface Family Advent Eucharistic Adoration is tonight from 6:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m. in the St. Boniface Church. Please join us as a family as we prepare for Christmas.
Boyd County Boosters are serving a meal Saturday at the basketball games consisting roast beef sandwiches, chips, and bars.
Anyone wanting to be in the chorus of the musical, please turn in an audition form to Mrs. Becker by Friday, Dec. 20.
Elgin Pubic Schools will be hosting a Blood Drive tomorrow from 1:00-6:00 p.m. at the KC Hall in Elgin. Please call the school (843.2455) for an appointment.
Menu: Goulash Green Beans French Bread Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Wednesday: Chicken Breast Fillet w/ WG Bun Baked Fries Baked Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad __________________________________________________________________________ The symbol of an angel holding a candle is added to the Jesse tree today. God often sends His messengers, the angels, to earth.
Reminder January calendar items are due in the office today.
Readers for Adoration Service will practice at 12:40 this afternoon.
Good Luck to our JV boys and varsity basketball teams as we travel to play Elkhorn Valley with the first game at 4:45 p.m. JV boys will play 3 quarters followed by varsity. Team is dismissed at 3:20 p.m.
Elgin Pubic Schools will be hosting a Blood Drive on Thursday, December 19th from 1:00-6:00 p.m. at the KC Hall in Elgin. Please call the school (843.2455) for an appointment.
Menu: Mr. Rib/Bun Baked Fries Baked Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Tuesday: Goulash Green Beans French Bread Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Lunch Order: 7,12,11,10, 9, 8 ___________________________________________________________________________ A harp, the symbol of David, is placed on the Jesse tree today. David was the king and leader of God’s people.
Happy Birthday to Sandi H. who is celebrating her birthday today.
Advent Wreath Service this morning at the beginning of 5th period in the front hall.
The following students are asked to help with the prayer service for the Advent Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesday. The readers will practice today at 12:40 p.m.
Servers: Austin B. and Lane B.
PJ choir
Members of the Right to Life (that are not choir members) will lead the 3rd Joyful mystery.
Readers: Jasmine M., Kaitey S., Aiden K., Karson K,. Reese S., Elizabeth M. and Christian P.
A gift card was found in the hall last Friday afternoon and may be identified in the office.
Congratulations to Carter B. on his first place win at Sargent on Friday and 2nd at Stanton on Saturday.
Congratulations to our JV and varsity girls basketball team on their win over Plainview on Friday and to our JV and varsity girls and varsity boys teams on their wins over Wausa on Saturday.
Musical auditions will be held this evening at 6:30 in the music room.
Elgin Pubic Schools will be hosting a Blood Drive on Thursday, December 19th from 1:00-6:00 p.m. at the KC Hall in Elgin. Please call the school (843.2455) for an appointment.
Blessed are they who come in the Name of the Lord! Am I being called to proclaim Jesus as a priest, deacon, religious brother or sister? If you think God is calling you to be a priest, religious or deacon, speak to an Adult Religious.
Menu: Pizza (Round) Lettuce Green Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Monday: Chicken Breast Fillet w/ WG Bun Baked Fries Baked Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad ___________________________________________________________________________
A hand raised in blessing is added to the Jesse tree today. It reminds us of Aaron, the brother of Moses, who led the chosen people into the promised land.
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Becker who is celebrating her birthday today.
Congratulations to our JH girls basketball teams on their wins over Neligh-Oakdale yesterday.
Musical auditions will be held on Monday, Dec. 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the music room.
Period 2 study/Art will meet in the library today. Be sure to bring homework to do.
Any high school student interested in Quiz Bowl – Please stop in and talk to Mrs. Bartak.
Good Luck to our wrestling team as they compete in Sargent today at 1:00 p.m. and Stanton tomorrow. Wrestling team will be dismissed at 8:30 this morning.
Elgin Pubic Schools will be hosting a Blood Drive on Thursday, December 19th from 1:00-6:00 p.m. at the KC Hall in Elgin. Please call the school (843.2455) for an appointment.
Good Luck to our basketball teams as we host Plainview beginning at 4:30 this afternoon in the EPS Gym. JV girls will play 2 quarters and JV boys 3 quarters. Good Luck as we host Wausa at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon in the EPS Gym. JV girls will play 2 quarters and JV boys 3 quarters.
“The Fifth Quarter” begins again today at the Methodist Church after the basketball games.
Menu: Tator Tot Casserole Broccoli Chocolate Chip Muffin Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Friday: Pizza (Round) Lettuce Green Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad __________________________________________________________________________
Today we add the tablets of stone, a symbol of the 10 commandments, to the Jesse tree. God gave Moses the 10 commandments to tell us what He expects of us. The way we are to honor God and respect our neighbor are outlined for us.
We will be performing the musical “Thoroughly Modern Millie” this year! Auditions will be held on Monday, Dec. 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the music room.
Any high school student interested in Quiz Bowl – Please stop in and talk to Mrs. Bartak.
Good Luck to our JH girls basketball team as we host Neligh-Oakdale this afternoon at 4:00 in the St. Boniface Gym. 10th and 11th Jr. Right-to-Life members will clean up after the games.
Wrestling team will be dismissed at 8:30 Friday morning.
NHS will be sponsoring bake sale in the front hall today periods 3 and 7. Please support the seminarian fund.
*There is a sign up sheet now in the office* for the “Decorate a Gingerbread House” activity sponsored by the Elgin Public Library for students in grades 7th – 12th on December 15 from 3:00 to 5:00. Pre-registration is required so we have enough supplies. You can register by calling the library at 843-2460 or stopping by the library by Thursday, December 12. We will have Christmas music and treats.
Menu: Taco Burger/Bun Corn Jell-O Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Friday: Pizza (Round) Lettuce Green Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad ___________________________________________________________________________ The symbol of Joseph, a multicolored coat, is placed on the Jesse tree today. Joseph gave food to God’s chosen people when there was a famine. We remember him by his coat of many colors.
We will be performing the musical “Thoroughly Modern Millie” this year! Auditions will be held on Monday, Dec. 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the music room.
*Anyone interested in trying out should meet today period 2 in Mrs. Becker’s room. *10th and 11th Jr. Right-to-Life members will clean up after JH games tomorrow.
Congratulations to our JV girls and varsity boys basketball teams on their wins over Neligh-Oakdale yesterday.
Wrestling team will be dismissed at 8:30 Friday morning.
Everyone is invited to attend Father Vogel’s presentation on “The Holy Family” this evening from 7:00 – 8:00 in the St. Boniface Church basement. Mass is at 6:30 p.m. and Father’s presentation are open to everyone. KC’s will provide refreshments.
NHS will be sponsoring bake sale in the front hall on Thursday, December 12 th periods 3 and 7. Please support the seminarian fund.
*There is a sign up sheet now in the office* for the “Decorate a Gingerbread House” activity sponsored by the Elgin Public Library for students in grades 7th – 12th on December 15 from 3:00 to 5:00. Pre-registration is required so we have enough supplies. You can register by calling the library at 843-2460 or stopping by the library by Thursday, December 12. We will have Christmas music and treats.
Menu: Pulled Pork w/ WG Bun Mashed Potatoes/Gravy Peas Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Wednesday: Taco Burger/Bun Corn Jell-O Fruit Milk OR chef Salad ___________________________________________________________________________ The symbol of a rose is added to the Jesse tree today. It is a sign of Isaiah’s prophecy “…that a desert shall bloom as the rose at the coming of the Lord.”
Happy Birthday to Olivia K. and Conor R. who are celebrating their birthday’s today.
Thank you to Mrs. Becker and students for the beautiful Christmas concert last night.
Congratulations to Haley Z., Kayce K. and Taylynne C. for making volleyball Honorable Mention in Omaha World Herald and Lincoln Journal Star.
Good Luck to our JV and varsity basketball teams as they play Neligh-Oakdale today at 4:30 p.m. JV girls will play 2 quarters and JV boys 3 quarters. They will leave at 3:15 p.m.
Penance Service today….St. Boniface will begin at 11:15 this morning with Pope John to follow.
We will be performing the musical “Thoroughly Modern Millie” this year! Auditions will be held on Monday, Dec. 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the music room. *Anyone interested in trying out should meet tomorrow period 2 in Mrs. Becker’s room.*
Everyone is invited to attend Father Vogel’s presentation on “The Holy Family” this Wednesday evening from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. in the St. Boniface Church basement. Mass is at 6:30 p.m. and Father’s presentation are open to everyone. KC’s will provide refreshments.
NHS will be sponsoring bake sale in the front hall on Thursday, December 12 th periods 3 and 7. Please support the seminarian fund.
*There is a sign up sheet now in the office* for the “Decorate a Gingerbread House” activity sponsored by the Elgin Public Library for students in grades 7th – 12th on December 15 from 3:00 to 5:00. Pre-registration is required so we have enough supplies. You can register by calling the library at 843-2460 or stopping by the library by Thursday, December 12. We will have Christmas music and treats.
Menu: Calzone Tri-Pattie Carrots Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Tuesday: Pulled Pork w/ WG Bun Mashed Potatoes/Gravy Peas Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Lunch Order: 8,7,12,11,10,9 __________________________________________________________________________________ The symbols added to the Jesse tree today are a tent and camel. These remind us of Abraham, who was called by God to lead the chosen people through the desert to the chosen land.
Pope John and St. Boniface Christmas Concert will be presented this evening at 7:00 in the St. Boniface Gym. We will be performing “Thoroughly Modern Millie” this year! Auditions will be held on Monday, Dec. 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the music room.
Advent wreath service this morning in the front hall immediately after lunch (1:07 p.m.)
Congratulations to Carter B. on his 1st place win at the Howells-Dodge Tournament on Saturday.
Congratulations to our JH girls, JH boys “A”, JV girls and varsity girls basketball teams on their wins over Niobrara-Verdigre.
There will be a meeting for those interested in auditioning for the musical tomorrow morning at 7:25.
Catholic Senior Girls are invited to apply for the Rural Central Deanery $200 scholarship. The winner of the deanery scholarship will be eligible to compete for the $500 scholarship offered by the OACCW. Mrs. Schiltmeyer has the application forms. Scholarship applications are due January 15 but please note that there is a portion that needs to be filled out by your pastor, so please allow enough time.
Everyone is invited to attend Father Vogel’s presentation on “The Holy Family” this Wednesday evening from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. in the St. Boniface Church basement. Mass is at 6:30 p.m. and Father’s presentation are open to everyone. KC’s will provide refreshments.
NHS will be sponsoring bake sale in the front hall on Thursday, December 12 th periods 3 and 7. Please support the seminarian fund.
The Elgin Public Library will be hosting a “Decorate a Gingerbread House” activity for students in grades 7th – 12th on December 15 from 3:00 to 5:00. Pre-registration is required so we have enough supplies. You can register by calling the library at 843-2460 or stopping by the library by Thursday, December 12. We will have Christmas music and treats.
NEW Limited Edition Herb Mignery Bronze Crosses Are Here! OPEN HOUSE for cross purchase or pick up will be this evening from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in St. Boniface Gym lobby prior to the school Christmas Concert. See to see this year’s cross. Price is $160. Attention Previous Buyers: To reserve your number contact a committee member or the school.
Like the forgiving father of Luke’s Gospel, God welcomes us home in spite of our sinfulness and calls us to a life of holiness. Where are you at home? Are you being called to a life as an ordained or consecrated person? If you think God is calling you to be a priest, religious or deacon, contact Father Vogel or Father Norman.
Pope John XXIII Central Catholic
P.O. Box 179
303 Remington
Elgin, NE 68636
Call 402-843-5325
Fax 402-843-2297
- Friday, February 14, 2025February 14, 2025 - 3:36 pm
Menu: Spaghetti/Meatsauce Corn Garlic Bread Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad Monday: Corndog Sun Chips Baked Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad ___________________________________________________________________________ Happy Valentine’s Day. The Eucharist will be celebrated at 8:15 this morning in the St. Boniface Church. Happy Birthday to Kami C. celebrating her birthday on Sunday. Good Luck to our JH boys’ […]
You’re invited to join us!
See dates on school calendar.
February 17, 2025 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Pep Rally @ EPS
February 18, 2025 - February 19, 2025 @
Girls State Wrestling @ CHI -
February 18, 2025 @ 7:40 am - 8:40 am
Student Council Mtg. -
February 18, 2025 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
JH BBB @ Neligh -
February 18, 2025 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
GBB Subdistricts @ Elkhorn Valley
February 18, 2025 - February 19, 2025 @
Girls State Wrestling @ CHI -
February 19, 2025
5th Gr Trip to Stuhr Museum
February 20, 2025 - February 22, 2025 @
Boys State Wrestling