Announcements Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Menu: Goulash Green Beans French Bread Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Wednesday: Chicken Breast Fillet w/ WG Bun Baked Fries Baked Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad __________________________________________________________________________ The symbol of an angel holding a candle is added to the Jesse tree today. God often sends His messengers, the angels, to earth.
Reminder January calendar items are due in the office today.
Readers for Adoration Service will practice at 12:40 this afternoon.
Good Luck to our JV boys and varsity basketball teams as we travel to play Elkhorn Valley with the first game at 4:45 p.m. JV boys will play 3 quarters followed by varsity. Team is dismissed at 3:20 p.m.
Elgin Pubic Schools will be hosting a Blood Drive on Thursday, December 19th from 1:00-6:00 p.m. at the KC Hall in Elgin. Please call the school (843.2455) for an appointment.