Announcements Friday, May 17, 2019
Menu: Chicken Nuggets Mashed Potatoes/Gravy Broccoli Chocolate Chip Muffin Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Monday and Tuesday: Cook’s Choice ___________________________________________________________________________ All cast and crew members from Cinderella are to fill out the Consent and Release form that was on your locker last week, have your parents sign it, and return it to Mrs. Becker before the last day of school.
ALL STUDENTS are invited to walk with our Catholic Schools parade entry in the Elgin Vetch Days Parade on Thursday, May 30. Wear any of your blue school t-shirts and meet at the park by 6:45 p.m. Look for the white school mini-van.
Football meeting Monday in Mr. Eisenhauer’s room after school for any boys in grades 6-11 interested in going out for football.
Girl’s basketball meeting Tuesday in Mr. Eisenhauer’s room after school for any girls in grades 6-11 interested in going out for basketball.
Wrestling meeting Tuesday for current grades 6-11 for anyone interested in wrestling next year.
The FFA will have its end of the year party/meeting at 5:00 p.m. Monday (or after the FB meeting) All members and 8th graders interested in joining FFA are encouraged to attend! The new officers will have games and will be grilling!
Sophomores will receive information and registration forms to become an EMHC and/or lector for the 2019-2020 school year today. Please complete the form, be sure to have your parish priest sign and return to Brenda before next Wednesday (May 22nd). If you decide you do not want to do this ministry, indicate this on the request form and return it to Brenda. Any junior who would like to sign up or if you would like to do an additional ministry please pick up a form in the office.
Students will turn in their Chromebook Tuesday afternoon. Students please remember to have everything with you for check in—–Chromebook, charger, stylus, and case. 2:00 – sophomores, 2:20/2:30 – 7th and 8th graders