Announcements Friday, September 14, 2018


Menu:  Meatloaf     Scalloped Potatoes   Coleslaw    Fruit   Milk     OR Chef Salad

Monday:  Rotoni & Ham Casserole    Peas    Dinner Bun     Fruit   Milk     OR Chef Salad

Happy Birthday to Elise R. who is celebrating her birthday today.

Congratulations to our varsity volleyball team on their win over Creighton yesterday.

Gonzaga and Joshua Houses are in charge of the paper drive tomorrow.  Please check with your grandparents and elderly in the neighbor and ask if they need assistance with papers.

Bill Miller will teach a Hunter Safety Course this weekend at the Elgin Senior Center.  Friday 6:30-9:00 p.m. and Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  You need to register online through the Nebraska Game and Parks and there is no cost.

Any 3-12 graders who are interested in going to the Young Americans workshop on September 23-25 MUST register online today.  Please contact Mrs. Becker if you have questions.

Candy grams are available in the office sponsored by the Junior Class.  Deadline is Friday, September 28th at noon.

Thank you to all the elementary teachers for bringing up your students to the Ag Safety Day yesterday! Your students were wonderful. Also, thank you to various high school teachers that allowed AgEd/FFA members out of their classes to help run this event. Be proud of all the students involved, it was a great day! – Mrs. Schwartz


REMINDER – FFA members range judging (same as last Tuesday) the bus leaves EPS at 7:15a.m. Bring a sack lunch and/or money. We will stop in O’Neill for lunch break when done. Students will be back for 7th & 8th hours!!!!



Early Dismissal

St. Boniface



Early Dismissal