Announcements Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Menu:   Cavatini    Broccoli    Zucchini Bread     Fruit   Milk   OR Chef Salad

Wednesday:  Cornbread     Sausage   Baked Beans     Fruit   Milk    OR Chef Salad

The Eucharist will be celebrated at 11:50 this morning in the St. Boniface Church.

Happy Birthday to Skyler M. who is celebrating her birthday today.

Sophomores will be taking the ASVAB test this morning in the library until approximately 11:00.  Please do not use the library during this time.

Reminder that dinner theatre tickets and money is to be turned in to the office tomorrow.  Each family is required to sell 10 tickets.  Many people in the community and our school have not been asked!!

Short meeting for anyone going out for girls basketball tomorrow in Mr. Eisenhauer’s room right after school.

Thanks to all who brought in grocery orders so far. We have sold $ 18,850. Let’s keep on working toward our goal of
$100,000.  Please put your orders in Room 12 each morning before school or right after you hear the announcements. Thanks!

Students are reminded to turn in their permission slips and money to the office for the “Gosnell” movie ASAP.

Volleyball girls will turn in uniforms and vote  immediately after school today in coach Thiele’s room. 

Brooklyn M.-ex.

Simon B.

Early Dismissal

Lauren S.-UNL College visit


St. Boniface


Harmon B.
Myles V.

Early Dismissal