EPPJ Volleyball COVID Guidelines
UPDATED Friday, October 2, 2020
We are in the Yellow Risk Zone with area cases rising, so all fans attending Wolfpack games and activities are REQUIRED to wear masks.
As of August 27, 2020 we are in the Green Risk Zone so the following applies:
Restrictions on Fans: -Highly encouraged to wear masks and practice social distance when seating. -Family groups are encouraged to sit together. -Elementary students are expected to sit with their parents, no running around will be allowed. -Parents and fans are expected to exit the facility immediately after the conclusion of the competition. -Seating will be marked. -The student section will be for current 7-12 EPPJ students only! No out of town students or graduates will be allowed.
Officials: No restrictions, they will have their own area away from all fans, coaches, and players.
Concessions: Concession stand will be available.
Game Attendance: -Social distancing, according to health district for capacity (75%)
Facility: -Facility will be split to separate visiting fans and teams from intermingling.
Locker Rooms: -Visitor locker room at both gyms will be on the same side as the visiting fans. (We will show you when you arrive)
Coaches / Athletes: -During competition, the sideline/bench/team areas will be restricted to essential personnel only. This includes players, coaches, team trainers, team managers, game officials, statisticians, and media. -Teams will use the same bench throughout the competition. -Teams will enter through the main doors and be taken immediately to their locker rooms. -Teams should bring their own volleyballs to warm up with. -No team meals allowed to be brought in, warmed, served, etc.
*Elgin Public and Pope John reserve the right to make changes to these guidelines based on updated Directed Health Measures.