Friday, March 17, 2023
Monday: ______________________________________________________________________________
Good Luck our speech team competing at State today in Kearney.
Happy Birthday to Brooklyn M. who celebrated her birthday yesterday..
Today is St. Patrick’s Day! Students may wear green shirts with jeans or sweatpants. No leggings, shorts, holes or hoodies.
Students going to class/practices at Elgin Public – do NOT park in front of their bus barns.
Regular Ag classes today.
Due to a funeral, there has been a change in reconciliation plans. Tuesday, March 21 after Mass – HS only (grades 9-12) will go to reconciliation. Wednesday, March 21, at 10:00 a.m. grades 2-8 will go to reconciliation.
Judging of the Antelope County Food Pantry church buildings in the front hall will be this afternoon. Please be sure your churches are created by dismissal. Winners will be announced on Monday, March 20th. Reward for collecting 1000 items is 4 “Comfy Days” in March/April. Reward for best group display is “homemade sweets”
Our almsgiving sacrifice this Lenten season will be donating money to our seminarian Zach Eischeid and Tintern. Each house goal is $250 in hopes of reaching $1000 as a school goal.
City of Elgin is accepting applications for several positions. See the posters throughout the school for more information.
We are in need of 2 students to run the spotlight for the musical. Please step up and help with our fine arts department. See Mr. Schmidt for more information.
Juniors and seniors attending prom next weekend, please get your post prom forms signed and turned into the office ASAP. We’d like to have them all by next Monday, March 20th.