Friday, May 7, 2021
Menu: Taco Burger w/ Bun Macaroni Salad Baked Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Monday: *_________________________________________________________________________*
Happy Birthday to Michael S. who will celebrate his birthday tomorrow.
Our graduation ceremonies will be this Sunday at 1:30 p.m. in the St. Boniface Auditorium.
TEC will be held July 16-18 at Tintern Retreat Center for any current juniors, seniors or older. Candidate application forms are now available in the office or the Elgin Parish Office.
JC Camp *Candidate forms *are available on the parent email that was sent out this week, or in the front office for those currently in 8th and 9th grade and Jr. who wish to attend the May 26-30 camp at Tintern Retreat Center. *Junior Counselor forms* are also available for those who have already made JC Camp and wish to help. *Please be prompt in returning your forms, so you can be included in the preparation meetings.*
* Parents of boys* who will be entering 4th through 7th grade this fall are encouraged to consider the *Legion of Joseph* retreat for their son, July 14-15, 2021 at Tintern Retreat Center. Information and forms are available in the Parent Weekly Update this week, and forms are available in the school office and Elgin parish office as well.
*Parents of girls* who will be entering 4th through 7th grade this fall are encouraged to consider the* Gratia *retreat for their daughter, July 6-7, 2021 at Tintern Retreat Center. Information and forms are available in the Parent Weekly Update this week, and forms are available in the school office and Elgin parish office as well.