Friday, November 10, 2023
Monday: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Happy Birthday to Mr. Schmidt who will celebrate his birthday and Judd S. who will celebrate his on Sunday.
Dinner theatre money is due in the office today—Natalie, Ashlynne, Gavin, Brooke, Jazmine & Juliana, Brooklyn, Ellie and Kaitey. If you need additional tickets, please stop in the office.
We will be attending the Veterans Day Program at Elgin Public today at 11:00 a.m. Dismiss at 10:40 a.m. to walk. Choir dismissed at 10:20 a.m. to practice at EPS.
Jazmine and Brooklyn—please come to the office for Theology class today.
One Act practice Sunday at 6:00 p.m.
Great job to all the FFA students that participated in the District 10 FFA Livestock Judging Event on Tuesday in Ord. Junior Team of Jayda C. (7th overall), Grady D. (14th overall), Kayton Z. (18th overall), and Haley P. (19th overall) were the 3rd overall team and qualified for the state FFA convention competition in March. There were 197 junior participants and 17 teams. Sr. Team Members Samantha D. was the 4th overall individual, and Jaidyn S. was 13th out of 119 competitors. Their team, along with Callie H. and Chloe H. was 8th overall out of 17 teams!
Pope John Students: Keep selling grocery certificates/gift cards. The family goal is $1,500 and the school goal is $125,000 for a bowling trip! Bring money and slips to Mrs. Borer’s room before school starts and pick up completed certificates after school. A reminder that gift cards from Thriftway and Clearwater Market will take a few days before they are in.
Here is the link for the Wolfpack Basketball online store, closing down Wednesday, November 22nd at 10:00 a.m. This order form is for both girls and boys basketball this year.