Friday, October 13, 2023
Monday: ___________________________________________________________________________
Happy Birthday to Cole N. celebrating his birthday tomorrow.
Good Luck to our “C’ volleyball team competing in a tournament in Neligh tomorrow. 9:00 a.m. N-O vs. Norfolk Catholic 10:00 a.m. EPPJ vs. Boone Central/Newman Grove w/ games to follow.
Good Luck to our JH volleyball team competing in a tournament in the Summerland Aux. Gym. tomorrow. 9:00 a.m. EPPJ vs. Summerland B 10:30 a.m. EPPJ vs. Neligh-Oakdale w/ games to follow
Congratulations to our football team on their win over St. Mary’s last night.
EPPJ State Football Playoff shirts are available! Orders close today at 11 a.m. NO late orders will be accepted!
St. Boniface Parish is taking orders until *October 22* for their famous Thanksgiving Bazaar Sausage. Orders placed now will need to be picked up on Saturday afternoon, November 18. To order please text or call Tracy (John) Beckman 843-8152 by Oct. 20 w/name, phone number, number of packages and if want rings or patties. One-pound packages are $7.50. Limited sausage available on Thanksgiving Day, so order now! All pre-orders must be picked up/paid for at the designated date/time as we do not have freezer space.