Monday, January 22, 2024
Tuesday: Deli Turkey w/ WG Bun Sun Chips Baked Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad ___________________________________________________________________________ Happy Birthday to Tessa B. celebrating her birthday today.
Congratulations to our JV boys and varsity girls basketball teams on their wins over West Holt on Friday.
Congratulations to our wrestlers placing at Neligh-Oakdale on Saturday: Gavin K. 3rd JV and Isaac H. 1st in the JV division and Grady D. placing 4 th and Sam H. 5th in varsity competition.
Pope John MUSICAL – Join the fun with a great musical! Tryouts tonight at 7:00. Please help continue this unique Pope John tradition.
February calendar items due in the office by noon on Monday, January 29th.
Students in grades 8-12 are invited to attend the Steubenville Catholic Youth Conference at Springfield, MO this summer, July 12-14. Steubenville is a high-energy youth conference where thousands of teens will encounter Jesus Christ through dynamic speakers, engaging music, the Sacraments, small group discussions, and fellowship with other teens. Information was sent to parents. The deadline for registration and $100 deposit is Friday, February 2nd.
The Pope John Speech Store is up and set to close on Thursday, January 25th at 10:00 a.m.! The site to order your team sweatshirt!
Reminder to 7-12th students — please pray before lunch at the end of 4th period today in your classroom.