Monday, May 13, 2024

Monday: Macaroni and Cheese Tator Tots Green Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Tuesday: Hamburger/Bun Potato Vegetable Fruit Milk OR Chef’s Salad ________________________________________________________________________
Good Luck to District Golf at Ainsworth today beginning at 9:00 this morning. (Karson, Michael, Jack)
Reminder of a dance informational meeting tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. at Pope John. If you did not sign up earlier, you are still welcome to attend the meeting.
All library books are due today. Students are also reminded to bring sacks and/or boxes for items in your lockers, etc.
We have registration forms in the office for Neligh-Oakdale driving school beginning June 10th-June 14th from 9:00 a.m. until noon at the high school in Neligh. Students should be 14 years of age by August 1st to register.
There are several opportunities this summer to expand your faith & love of Jesus for all grade levels. *More information and/or forms are available in the school or parish office . JC Camp is May 22-26 for current 8th & 9th graders , Gratia for Girls, July 9-10, for grades 4-6 Steubenville is July 12-14. A few spots have opened up. If you are interested contact Heather Veik. Legion of Joseph, July 17-18, for grades 5-7, TEC is July 19-21 for HS juniors/seniors thru age 23. Father & sons, July 27-28 – retreats for ages, 11-17, Bloom, Aug 3-4 – retreat for mothers & daughters, ages 11-15
Boys’ Basketball Banquet is Tuesday, May 14th at 6:30 p.m. at the EPS Gym.
Track awards and turning in of uniforms will be today after school at the EPS Gym.
If there are any FFA students interested in attending National FFA next fall please let Mrs. Schwartz know before May 15th. This is not a commitment, just anyone that is interested! National FFA is in Indy October 23-26.
Girl’s basketball meeting Wednesday after school for any 8-11 girls in Mr. Eisenhauer’s room.
Mrs. Schiltmeyer will be available all day on Tuesday for students in current grades 6-11 to stop in her office to sign up for classes for next year. Students will sign up with her and then take their papers home to be signed by their parents. Schedule sheets are due back to Mrs. Schiltmeyer signed by this Thursday!