Monday, October 3, 2022
Tuesday: Bar-b-ques/Bun Sweet Potato Fries Corn Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad __________________________________________________________________________
Happy Birthday to James L. who is celebrating his birthday today.
Good Luck to our JH football team hosting CWC at 5:00 this afternoon and the JH volleyball team will host CWC at 3:30 p.m. in the St. Boniface Gym.
Good Luck to our varsity volleyball team hosting a double dual beginning at 5:30 this afternoon in the St. Boniface Gym. 9/10th girls will clean up after games. EPPJ vs. Hartington CC 5:30 p.m. Hartington CC vs. Stuart 7:00 p.m.
Seniors—please stop in the office before the end of the week and pay $15 for the mailing of your transcripts and scholarships.
Jr. Right to Life members are asked to sign up for Mass jobs for our Respect Life school Mass on Friday, October 7. We need a few more spots filled. Signup sheet is in Mr. Kratochvil’s room.
Ticket deadline for the “Cabaret” sponsored by the Friends of St. Boniface is Wednesday, October 5th. Tickets are $30 and may be purchased at Dean’s Market, from St. Boniface families or the school office. The Pope John music students will be performing.