Monday, October 9, 2023
Tuesday: Breaded Pork Patty/Bun Macaroni & Cheese Carrots Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad ___________________________________________________________________________
Happy Birthday to Grady D., Parker B. and June P. celebrating their birthdays today.
Good Luck to our JH football team traveling to play St. Francis at 4:00 this afternoon.
Good Luck to our “C” and JV volleyball teams competing at Battle Creek. Team is dismissed at 3:40 this afternoon.
Congratulations to our football team and our “C”, JV and varsity volleyball teams on their wins over Niobrara-Verdigre last Friday and to our JH volleyball team on their win over St. Edward on Saturday.
EPPJ State Football Playoff shirts are available! Orders close this Friday, October 13th at 11 a.m. NO late orders will be accepted!
Athletes—if you plan to attend the funeral services for Dennis Suhr, you will need to sign up in the office before leaving today. You will need a note from your parents and a foreseen absence sheet. The funeral home needs to know how much space to save as the church is small.