St. Boniface Elementary of Elgin announced today that is has been awarded a grant of $885.00 by the Nebraska Arts Council. This grant will support Julian Adair Dance Residency during Catholic Schools Week, January 27th, 2020 – January 31, 2020.
Nebraska Arts Council Executive Director Suzanne Wise commented, “ St. Boniface School contributes a great deal to the advancement of the arts in Elgin. We commend the work being done by organizations such as St. Boniface School because the arts are important to the education and quality of life for all Nebraskans.
St. Boniface School is excited to partner with the Nebraska Arts Council to bring Julian Adair to work with our students. We appreciate the support of the Nebraska Arts Councils and the Friends of St. Boniface who help fund this week-long residency. And the support the Nebraska Legislature to the NAC.
Nebraska Arts Council (NAC), a state agency, provides numerous grants, services and special initiatives that help sustain and promote the arts throughout Nebraska. NAC is supported by the Nebraska Cultural Endowment, Nebraska Legislature and National Endowment for the Arts. To learn more visit