PJ Grocery Certificates Fundraiser A Success
Pope John students recently concluded another successful year of grocery certificate sales. Students sold $116,325 worth of grocery certificates to four area grocery stores. The participating stores were Thriftway in Neligh/Tilden, Dean’s Market in Elgin, Ewing Family Foods and Rae Valley Market in Petersburg. The fundraiser allowed students to donate $12, 678. 50 to the CCPJ Annual Fund Drive which supports the operation of Pope John. The top individual salesperson was Grace Henn, who sold $8,100 in certificates, she was followed by Kyle Schumacher with $7,800 sold, and Maddie Schrage with $6,700 worth sold. The top family salespeople were Logan and Luke Henn who sold $6,650 worth of certifcates, followed by Heather, Austin and Natalie Bauer with $5,000 worth sold, and Lane and Sharon Bartak with $4,450 worth sold. Thank you to all who supported the school!