Rachel Becker
Your Family Members: Husband Scott and 3-year old son Jackson
College Graduated From: Mount Marty College
What year did you start teaching at Pope John? 2012-13
What subjects do you teach? K-12 Instrumental and Vocal Music
What is one of your hidden talents or something people don’t know about you? I can sit down with a good book and read it in one day!
How do you spend your summer breaks? I spend a lot of time with my son outside; swimming, going to the park, camping. I also like to garden, read, and bike.
If you weren’t a teacher, what would you be? A music therapist
What is your favorite dish from the cafeteria? Chicken teriyaki
What’s the best thing about being a Catholic School teacher? Being able to teach and sing music about Jesus and our faith
If you could take the students on a field trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take them? Probably either to Vienna or to a Broadway show in New York City.