Thursday, April 11, 2024
Friday: Mini Lasagna Broccoli Garlic Bread Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad ___________________________________________________________________________
The Eucharist will be celebrated this morning at 8;15 in the St. Boniface Church.
Good Luck to our track team competing at O’Neill. The meet begins at 10:00 this morning.
Happy Birthday to Melissa S. celebrating her birthday today.
Gonzaga and Joshua houses will have a dress down day tomorrow for reaching their goal for donations to Tintern and Isidore, 2nd and 4th graders for collecting the most items for the Antelope County Food Pantry. Students may wear sweats, long athletic shorts (basketball length), jeans, t-shirts & hoodies. No leggings or holes in clothing.
There will be a football meeting Wednesday, April 24th at 7:30 a.m. in the weight room.
Juniors and Seniors: you will need to pay for Prom meals by Thursday, April 18th. The cost is $14 per person. Senior meals are covered but not your date. Please bring your funds to Mrs. Grundmayer. If your payment is late, you are subject to a late fee.
Congratulations to our Art students who had projects at the ESU art show: Honorable Mention – Sydney N. x 2., Carter S., Harrison L., Harper E., Raaf K., Kinley D., Elenor B., Brooke B., Matthew K., Thomas S. Red – 2nd place -Boyd S., Anna S., Nathan B. Blue – 1st. place – Jory D., Gabe S., Hayley S. 9-12 Art- Red-2nd place – Tessa B. There were several pieces of artwork! We entered 32 pieces. The show had over a 1000 pieces of artwork from area ESU 8# schools. 7-12 will be displaying artwork in the upcoming NVC Art Show in Bassett/Rock County on April 26th.