Thursday, December 5, 2024
Symbols of an apple and serpent are added to the Jesse tree today. These remind us of Adam and Eve. Because of their sin, evil entered the world.
Book Fair Week: “Christmas Sock Day”
Happy birthday to Sutton C. celebrating her birthday today.
Next week from 3:15 until 3:30 p.m. we will be selling selected drinks for $1 per bottle at the pop machine. This does not include bubbl’r drinks.
Reminder that we must fast from all food and drink (except water and medicine) 1 hour before receiving the Eucharist.
High school students should go to the choir loft for Mass tomorrow due to the number of guests joining us.
Musical tryouts will be Monday (December 9th) from 4-6:00 p.m. and Thursday (December 12th) from 6:30 to ??? in school. We are doing a fun musical so students are encouraged to try out for a part or as a crew member.
Congratulations to our one act cast, crew and directors receiving the runner up award at districts yesterday. You had a great season and your performances were enjoyed.
Congratulations to Sawyer V. on placing 2nd and Ethan H. 3rd at the Battle Creek wrestling meet on Tuesday.
Good Luck to our JV and varsity basketball teams traveling to Cedar Rapids to play Riverside at 4:30 this afternoon. JV girls will play 2 quarters and JV boys 3 quarters. Varsity girls will play at 6:15 p.m. Team is dismissed at 2:40 p.m. Note time change!
Students & staff are asked to park at the BALL FIELDS for Grandparents Day this Friday (not at gym or PJ lot).