Thursday, February 15, 2024
Monday: _______________________________________________________________________________________
We will have a 1:00 dismissal this afternoon and will be using the regular schedule today.
Happy Birthday to Kami C. celebrating her birthday tomorrow.
There will be a pep rally for the state qualifying wrestlers this morning. We will leave at 8:25 to walk to EPS Gym.
Good Luck to our girls’ basketball team competing in sub districts tonight at 6:00 in the St. Boniface Gym with Summerland. Gonzaga students and any other students who have missed their cleanup date should plan to help on one of these nights also.
Good Luck to our JH, JV and varsity boys’ basketball teams as we travel to play St. Mary’s tomorrow at 4:00 p.m.
FFA Week is Next Week February 19-23. Monday – Official Dress Day for all FFA members/Group Picture 8:15 a.m. EPS Gym . Please excuse FFA members until 8:30 p.m. from 1st hour for the picture! Tuesday – Drive Your Tractor to School Day Wednesday – FFA Day at CVA (Royal Location) Thursday – Treats for Elementary @ lunch Friday – Teacher Appreciation