Thursday, January 30, 2025

Menu: Mr. Rib/Bun Macaroni & Cheese Mixed Vegetables Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Friday: No Lunch ___________________________________________________________________________
Catholic Schools Week: “Celebrating Vocations” Dress as your favorite saint/religious person. Prayer/appreciation cards to our religious, Gonzaga bake sale 10:00 this morning in the library. Proceeds to the Archdiocese Seminarian fund.
Happy Birthday to Darby C., Lillian M. & Wyatt S. celebrating birthdays today.
Good Luck to our JV and varsity basketball teams traveling to play *Humphrey/Lindsay this afternoon at 4:00. Team is dismissed at 2:10 p.m. JV girls will play 2 quarters and JV boys 4 quarters.
Parents will be visiting with us on Friday. Faculty and students are asked to park on the ball field allowing our parents to use the parking lot. Also, no bus routes after our noon dismissal.
*All *speech team practice Wednesday (February 6th) from 4-6:00 p.m.