Thursday, March 21, 2024
Friday: Cheese Pizza Lettuce Macaroni Salad Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad __________________________________________________________________________________
The Eucharist will be celebrated at 8:15 this morning in the St. Boniface Church.
JH students are reminded of retreat today…sack lunch, PJ or Wolfpack t-shirt with jeans, no sweatpants or hoodies.
We have some pop (dated end of February) for sale in the office for $1 per bottle.
Last chance to sign up for the dance team next year by the end of the day tomorrow.
Wolfpack is getting new football jerseys next year and the old jerseys are for sale. If interested, contact Mr. Wemhoff.
April calendar items due in the office by Tuesday, April 26th at noon. Lenten Food Pantry Collection Results:
The winner of the Food Pantry cross design contest is *Gonzaga, PK & 5th.* They will receive homemade treats next week for their creativity! The total # of items collected for the food pantry is 380. This is short of our 1000 item goal, so there will be no all-school dress down days in April. Let’s plan to shoot for 1000 next year! Here is how much each group collected: Francis, Kindergarten & 6th gr: 84 items Gonzaga, Pk & 5th gr: 88 items Isidore, 2nd & 4th Gr: 120 items Joshua, 1st & 3rd Gr: 88 items As a consolation prize, the group that collected the most items will be awarded *one *dress down day. *Isidore, 2nd & 4th grade* – your dress down day will be Mon, April 8.
Good Luck to our state speech qualifiers. We will have a pep rally in the library this afternoon at 1:06 for our two OID teams who will perform their pieces and then we will have a blessing for the team. Please join us!
During Lent houses will be collecting money for Tintern. Each house goal is $250, due before Easter break.
The Homestead is in need of some sprucing up and is looking for help. Any students needing a service project or willing to help in the community, please let Mrs. Schiltmeyer know before Easter break.
If you are interested in attending the Northeast NE March for Life on Saturday, March 23 from 1-4:00 p.m., please sign up in the school office. Transportation may be provided if there is enough interest. See Mrs. Schumacher w/questions.
The Pope John Crewneck Online Store is up and *set to close this Friday at noon!* Here the link: