Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Wednesday: Meatball Sub Sun Chips Baked Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad (HS only) ___________________________________________________________________________
All school Mass celebration this morning at 8:15 in the St. Boniface Church.
Happy Birthday to Mason F. celebrating his birthday today.
If anyone would like to order wrestling apparel, there are order forms in the office. Payment is due with orders by dismissal on Friday, December 16 th.
Congratulations to our JH “A” girls’ basketball team on their win over Niobrara-Verdigre yesterday.
There will be no morning rosary on Wednesday this week.
Picture retakes have been scheduled for this Thursday at 9:00 a.m. (Pray for good weather).
The JH basketball game against Neligh that was rescheduled for today has been rescheduled again for Monday, December 19th at 4:00 p.m. There will be 4 quarters of A team and 1 quarter of B team.
Good Luck to our JV and varsity basketball teams as we host Elkhorn Valley beginning at 4:00 this afternoon in the St. Boniface Gym. JV’s will play 3 quarters each. Girls JV and managers are dismissed at 3:00 p.m. Gonzaga House will clean up after games.
On Wednesday, all cast and crew need to report to the gym after practice to put away all One Act items.
Thursday there will be musical line auditions in Mr. Schmidt’s room at 6:00 p.m.
Students are reminded to remember to surprise their advent friends with a note/and or small gift. Christmas is near, so spread the cheer!
Student Council members please check your e-mail from Mrs. Borer.