Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Wednesday: Chicken Noodle Soup Pull-a-Part Bread Baby Carrots Cookie Fruit Milk NO Chef Salad ___________________________________________________________________________
Catholic Schools Week. Please refer to the schedule posted in each classroom for CSW activities.
Mini Classes this afternoon from 1:00 until 3:00 p.m. Three 30 minute sessions PK-5th and 6th-12th.
From Mrs. Schumacher on behalf of PJSB Faculty: St. Boniface and Pope John students are reminded that personally owned electronic devices are to be stored inside lockers during school hours. Except for those required for class. This includes cell phones, *smart watches*, and any other personal devices (regardless of size). These items can be confiscated and turned into the office if you are not following the rules. Parent notification, detentions, and in-school suspensions are additional consequences as stated on p. 7 of the handbook. If we can follow the rules, then the rules remain the same. If we break the rules, then it is a sign the rules need to change. Good luck!
Good Luck to our boys’ basketball team competing in NVC tonight at Stuart with North Central. Game time is 7:30 p.m.
Juniors and Seniors -upcoming TEC Weekends are March 19-21 at Glad Tidings, Bloomfield and July 15-17 at Tintern Retreat Center. To register, pick up an application form at school office or entrance of St. Boniface Church. If you have questions, please contact Terry Reicks, 402-741-0165.
All speech members must schedule a practice time with Mrs. Klein today for the week.