Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Wednesday: Rotini & Ham Casserole Peas Chocolate Bread Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad __________________________________________________________________________________
Happy Birthday to Liam P. celebrating his birthday today.
Today is the end of the 3rd quarter.
The Pope John Speech Team had a very successful day at the D2-2 District Tournament in Scribner-Snyder yesterday. The team placed third overall, qualifying 11 students in six events for the state tournament on March 22nd. Earning District medals were: Jazmine 6th in Informative Speaking, Aubrie 6th in Persuasive Speaking, Tessa 5th in Program of Oral Interpretation, Aiden 5th in Poetry, and Samantha 4th in Persuasive Speaking. Earning District medals and qualifying for State include: Olivia and Juliana 3rd in Duet Acting, Olivia, Juliana, Kaitey, Tessa and Jovie 3rd in Oral Interpretation of Drama, Reese 2nd in Serious Prose, Jack, Ashlynne, Brooklyn, Ellie and Aiden 2nd in Oral Interpretation of Drama, Reese 1st in Entertainment Speaking, and Jack 1st in Humorous Prose. The team will be hosting a community performance in the Pope John High School library at 6pm on Wednesday, March 20th
Remember during Lent houses will be collecting money for Tintern Retreat and Resource Center. Each house goal is $250, and this is due before we dismiss for Easter break.
Any girls currently in grades 8-11th and would like to be on the Dance Team, please sign up in the office before dismissal Friday.
P. 8 Ag class will be dismissed at 2:25 p.m. to attend guest speaker presentation @ EPS.
EPS will have a late start this Wednesday and an early out at 1:00 on Thursday. P. 8 on Wednesday will meet at 3:00 p.m. and no class on Thursday.
If you are interested in attending the Northeast NE March for Life on Saturday, March 23 from 1-4:00 p.m., please sign up in the school office. Transportation may be provided if there is enough interest. *See Mrs. Schumacher if you have questions.
The Extension Office is seeking a 4-H/Programming summer intern. Must be at least 16 years old to apply. Position will be paid. Reach out to Tessa at the Extension Office at tharms2@unl.edu or 402-887-5414 for more information