Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Musical Practice 6:00 this evening.
Good Luck to our track team competing in Stanton today. They are dismissed at 8:45 this morning.
Musical crew members are asked to meet in the front hall at 8:10 this morning for a picture.
Boys basketball awards banquet will be held on Monday, April 4th in the EPS Gym at 6:30 p.m.
If you ordered a shirt for the musical, please pay $17 in the office before leaving tomorrow (Wednesday).
Students 13 years or older (mainly current 8th grade students) who would like to take Driver’s Ed from Gary Davis in Neligh, please contact the office *before leaving school today*. Class will begin Monday, June 27th through July 1st and driving will begin after that. Registration forms will be sent to the school around May 1st.
Pope John is accepting bids for care of the school grounds! If you know someone who might be interested, please have them contact the school. Job Description: Mowing, trimming and weed control through the growing season. Submit a bid to the office before this Thursday.