Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Menu: Hot Dog w/ WG Bun Tri-Pattie Baked Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Thursday: Chicken Noodle Soup Pull-a-Part Bread Baby Carrots Fruit Milk NO Chef Salad * ______________________________________________________________________________* Happy Birthday St. Patrick’s Day!
St. Boniface Mass celebration at 8:15 this morning in the St. Boniface Church.
Students: your parking area is to the west of the staff parking signs. If this is not followed parking will be at the gym again!
Juniors and seniors: See Mrs. Bartak and pay prom fees before dismissal Friday or leaving for state speech on Thursday.
On Thursday at 2:00 the high school students and faculty will gather in the library for a sendoff for our state speech qualifiers. Parents are also invited. Father John will give a blessing and they will leave after. Here is the link for ordering any State Speech apparel: Preordered items can be picked up at the State Tournament in Kearney.
The boys basketball banquet will be tonight in the EPS gym at 6:30. Mask will be required
Students interested in being a crew member for the musical—please sign up outside the music room.
Dance team members—return tops to Mrs. Tisthammer or Mrs. Schindler (cleaned) by Friday. Dance tryout sheet in the office.
Good Luck to our students participating in the NECC Scholastic online competition. Please send the following students to Room 4 at 8:15 -Samuel H., Linus B., Allyson S., Paiton H., Alyssa B., Kaylee R., Trista H., Marissa P., Skyler M., and Lexi B. Students should be done testing around 9:15-9:30.
Please send the following students to Room 4 at 9:30 – Carter B., Skylar R., Emma M., Dylon P., Linus B., Alyssa B., Marissa P., Kirsten K., and Taylynne C. Students should be done testing around 10:30-10:45.
Please send the following students to Room 4 at 10:45 -Trista H., Kirsten K., Skylar R., Jack B., Samuel H., Jasmine D., Layne B. Students should be done testing 11:45-12:00. Mrs. Schiltmeyer’s classes –
2nd period Guidance 11 will report to the library.
3rd period Guidance 10 will report to the library with Mrs. Borer.
4th period Guidance 9 will report to Mrs. Bartak.
EPS has a late start today. Ag students will remain here except Ally and Emily will go up P. 4 and Cale P. 7 to test. On Thursday EPS has an early out—Ag students will remain here.