Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Thursday: Hamburger w/ Bun Mashed Potatoes/Gravy Peas Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad ___________________________________________________________________________
Ash Wednesday all school Mass celebration this morning at 8:15 in the St. Boniface Church.
Happy Birthday to Lloyd M. who is celebrating his birthday today.
Babysitters are needed for the St. Boniface Church Auction on Saturday, March 19th in the afternoon & early evening. Families will contact the school for babysitter contact information, but you will babysit in their home. Please sign up in the front office by Monday, March 14.
Speech members will leave at 6:20 a.m. tomorrow for districts.
JR/SR must sign up for prom in the front office by this *FRIDAY, March 4.* We need to know for a meal count. Cost of the meals will be determined.
Pep Rally Friday in the St. Boniface Gym at 2:45 p.m. for our boys’ basketball team heading to state.