Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Our final all school Mass celebration for this year will be at 8:15 this morning in the St. Boniface Church.
We will have an 11:00 dismissal. Wishing all a safe and enjoyable summer!
Happy Birthday to our faculty and students who will be celebrating their birthdays over summer break.
Good Luck to our athletes competing in state track and golf.
If you have not already done so, please remove locker signs from their pouches.
Sophomores–if you indicated you would like to serve in the capacity as an EMHC or Lector make sure you logged into the site to register.
If anyone is interested in buying a t-shirt to support the dance team, the link is *Order closes on May 26 at 10 AM!*
Registration forms for the upcoming July TEC weekend are now in the school office. TEC is planned for July 15-17, 2022 at Tintern Retreat Center. Weekends are specifically designed for those *going into their Junior or Senior year *this fall, or older.
Eighth graders- I apologize, but the Sun does not seem to be cooperating again today. We won’t be able to do the solar cookers. If you would like to take one home and try it out, you are more than welcome to come take one from the science room. Mrs. Drueke
Everyone is invited to bring their families to the TINTERN RETREAT CENTER Open House, Sunday, May 22 from 2-4:00 p.m. The remodeling turned out great and improvements are numerous, and they would love to show them off!
Current 8thand 9th Graders — JC Camp is coming up quickly, in just 3 weeks at Tintern. Forms are available in our front office, and you are encouraged to get signed up sooner rather than later, as they are only taking a certain number of candidates! Ask around to the older students in school, many of them went to JC Camp and can attest to it being one of the greatest 5 days they spent!
*Students come from a 75-mile radius so you will get a chance to meet new friends! *