Announcements Friday, November 1, 2019
Menu: Chicken Teriyaki Rice Green Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Monday: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Mass in honor of All Saints Day will be celebrated this morning at 8:15 in the St. Boniface Church.
Happy Birthday to Dylon P. who is celebrating his birthday today.
Congratulations for reaching the $25,000 mark on Grocery Sales! You are invited to come to the front hall at the beginning of third period for your cookie treat. Please report to your third period class promptly then. Special thanks to those who have turned in grocery orders to get us to this point. Remember the goal is $100,000 and the deadline is November 5th. WE CAN DO THIS!
Football equipment check in will be Tuesday right after school.
JH students will be attending the Elkhorn Valley Choral Clinic and presenting a concert at 5:30 this evening. They will eat lunch at 11:25 a.m. and leave at noon.
Short meeting in the EPS weight room Monday after school for anyone planning on going out for high school boys basketball this year.
WR meeting in Mr. Rossman’s classroom after school on Monday
Students on the honor roll this past quarter may come to the office and pick up a complimentary Elgin Review.
Volleyball players –we will have end of season voting and hand in uniforms right after school today in coach Thiele’s room.
A reminder that NHS applications are due to Mrs. Borer by 4:00 p.m. today.
Girls Basketball meeting Monday after school in Mr. Eisenhauer’s room for any 9-12 girls interested in going out for basketball.
Extra playoff short sleeve shirts available–$10 each. Youth Medium, Adult Small, Adult Medium, Adult Large, Adult Xl, and Adult XXL.