Announcements Thursday, August 29, 2019
Menu: Chicken Teriyaki Rice Green Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Friday: Hot Dog w/ WG Bun Macaroni & Cheese Baked Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad ___________________________________________________________________________ Good Luck to our C/JV and varsity volleyball teams as we host Lutheran High Northeast beginning at 5:00 this afternoon in the St. Boniface Gym. Junior and senior Junior Right-to-Life members will clean up following the games.
Good Luck to our football team as we travel to play Elkhorn Valley at 7:00 this evening. Bus will leave at 4:30 p.m.
Closing prayer will be in the front hall today.
Seniors are asked to please pay $10 in the office as soon as possible to cover the cost of mailing transcripts and scholarship information. (Austin and Haley)
Crusader Sweatshirts (like the ones students received) are available for purchase for a limited time in crewneck or hoodie. Please go to and click on Spirit Store to order by Sept. 5th.
A new (size S) Pope John/St. Boniface sweatshirt has been in the lost/found area for several days. It you misplaced yours please come to the office.