Announcements Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Menu: Pulled Pork w/ WG Bun Brew City Fries Baked Beans Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Wednesday: Mr. Rib/Bun Cheese Hash browns Corn Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad ___________________________________________________________________________ Our positive action for today: Talk to Siblings.
Good Luck to our quiz bowl team travel to Neligh for the ESU #8 competition.
All speech medalists from yesterday please meet in the front hall for a picture.
High school boys basketball check in will be today.
Girls basketball check-in tomorrow right after school.
Track meeting this Thursday after school in Mr. Koeppe’s room.
Musical T-shirts are ready to order! Cast and crew should sign up with Mrs. Becker and pay $12 by Wednesday, March 11 if you would like a shirt.
There will be a meeting for anyone interested in going out for boys golf Thursday, March 5 in Mr. Ostransky’s classroom
Musical reminder—your $20 for the 20’s is due today.
The next musical practices will be today 6:30 p.m.: Act 2, Scene 8: Finale, then Nuttycracker Suite. Thursday, March 5 at 6:30 p.m. for all cast: review all choreography