Announcements Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Menu: Chicken Breast Fillet w/ WG Bun Tri-Pattie Peas Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Thursday: Hot Dog w/ WG Bun Baked Fries Corn Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad __________________________________________________________________________
All School Mass will be celebrated this morning at 8;15 in the St. Boniface Church.
Happy Birthday to Father Vogel and Taylynne C. who are celebrating today.
Congratulations to our cast, crew and directors of “Silenced on Barbour Street” on their 3rd place finish at NVC yesterday.
Any 9-12th grade student interested in joining the Speech Team, please stop in Mrs. Klein’s classroom before dismissal on Friday.
December calendar items are due in the office by noon on Monday, November 25 th.
Today is the last day to bring food for the “Can Drive”. Let’s see how full the front hall can get in helping those less fortunate than we are.
Football Banquet this evening at 7:00 in EPS Lunchroom.
There is a box in the front hall for a turkey drawing. Thank you to Kyle and Deb Warren for their generosity. Deadline is Monday, November 25th at 8:00 a.m.