Announcements Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Menu:   Taco Burger w/ Bun    Corn   Strawberry Salad   Fruit     Milk    OR Chef Salad
Thursday:  Pizza (Round)    Green Beans   Strawberry Salad    Fruit   Milk    OR Chef Salad

Reminder to all FFA members that there will be range practice today after school/practices. If it is raining or too wet outside the practice will be in the classroom. 

R.J.– – your FFA dues still need to be paid.

The new gating system at the Elgin Public Schools is as follows:  The east and the north gate are open to the public from after school until school the next day.  The west gates should never be entered or exited by students.  If anyone comes during school hours your only access should/will be at the high school office door.  (Ag students will be let in by the teacher in the ag room)  Please don’t open gates for people or enter at unauthorized locations.

Seniors are asked to pay a $15 fee for mailing of transcripts and scholarships.  Please stop in the office and take care of this ASAP.

Congratulations to our volleyball team on their win over Stuart yesterday.

The Young Americans will be coming to Norfolk Catholic Schools on September 23-25.  Mrs. Becker sent home information for all 3-12 graders.  If your student is interested in attending or you would like more information, please contact her by this Friday, September 7.

Please dismiss the C-team volleyball girls at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday.   On Saturday the bus will leave 7:25 a.m. from EPS.

Jamie D.-ex.
Natalie R.-ex.
Jasmine D.-ex.


Early Dismissal
Paiton H. & Landyn V.-leaving @ 10:10 a.m. to serve for funeral
Natalie B.-leaving @ 10:00 a.m. & will return after lunch

St. Boniface



Early Dismissal
Tyler P.-leaving @ 11:40 a.m.
Cameron K.-leaving @ 10:00 a.m. & will return after lunch