Friday, September 10, 2021
Menu: Hot Ham & Cheese Brew City Fries Cookies & Cream Salad Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Monday: Pizza (Round) Tator Tots Coleslaw Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad ________________________________________________________________________
Happy Birthday to Janice E. who is celebrating her birthday today and Mrs. Zwingman who will celebrate hers on Saturday.
Congratulations to our C and JV volleyball teams on their wins over Boyd County yesterday.
Jr. Right-to-Life members (and all others who plan to donate), please bring your food items to the park on Sunday by 11:00 or when you come to work. Cookies, bars, breads, snacks, pies, etc. – all are welcome. Members are asked to bring at least 2 items. Thank you!
Good Luck to our football team as we host High Plains at 7:00 this evening. FFA labor auction to follow with all members being sold. Francis and Gonzaga girls will clean up after game.
Good Luck to our volleyball teams competing in the Howells-Dodge tournament tomorrow in Howells. 9:00 Howells-Dodge vs. Shelby/Rising City 10:00 EPPJ vs. Elkhorn Valley 11:00 EPPJ vs. Howells-Dodge with additional games to follow. Bus will leave at 7:45 a.m. from EPS. livestreamed
Seniors are asked to pay $15 in the office to cover postage for transcripts and scholarship submissions. Transcripts will not be sent until this is paid!
FFA t-shirt order forms are DUE TODAY. The order will be made this afternoon.