Thursday, September 9, 2021

Menu: Tacos w/ Soft Shell Corn Jell-O Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad
Friday: Hot Ham & Cheese Brew City Fries Cookies & Cream Salad Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad ___________________________________________________________________________
Pope John Mass celebration this morning at 8:15 in the St. Boniface Church.
A reminder with the cooler temps that all are asked to remove their jackets/coats at Mass. Also, shirts must be tucked in at all times!
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Schindler who is celebrating her birthday today.
The Jr. Right-to-Life group will sponsor a Bake Sale on Sunday, beginning at 11:00, in the Elgin Park. Right-to-Life members are asked to bring their items by 11:00. All other households are welcome to contribute to this worthy cause. Thank you!
Good Luck to our volleyball teams competing with Boyd County (Spencer) today with first game at 4:30 p.m. Team is dismissed at 2:10 this afternoon. Game will be on– Volleyball at Howells on Saturday:
NHS meeting over lunch today. Members are reminded to pick up their lunch from the lunchroom and return to school for the meeting.
Seniors are asked to pay $15 in the office to cover postage for transcripts and scholarship submissions. Transcripts will not be sent until this is paid!
FFA t-shirt order forms are DUE this FRIDAY. The order will be made Friday afternoon. Reminder FFA Members – Labor Auction after the football game Friday. All members will be sold!
Matthew, Sam, Jack, Natalie and Emma Lea-please meet in the library tomorrow morning at 7:15 for call backs.
Brenda Kuhlman Administrative Assistant Pope John XXIII Central Catholic High School P O Box 179 Elgin, Nebraska 68636
May every sunrise hold more promise, every sunset hold more peace.