Monday, November 30, 2020
Menu: Ham Pattie w/ Croissant Tri-Pattie Baked Beans Milk OR Chef Salad
Tuesday: Tacos w/ Soft Shell Green Beans Jell-O Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad ___________________________________________________________________________ The symbol of Jesse, a branched tree, is placed on the Jesse tree today to remind us that Jesus came from the house and family of Jesse.
Advent Wreath Service P. 5 today in the front hall.
Due to fluid situation with Covid guidelines and the restrictions on concession stands, as of now, there will NOT be a Winter Sports parent work list, Emily will contact volunteers as needed on a game to game basis. Thank you.
Wolfpack wrestling shirts and sweatshirt order forms are in the office. Orders are due tomorrow (Tuesday) at noon with payment. Orders will be picked up after lunch. (Spelling has been corrected on actual shirt)
Good Luck to our JH wrestling team as they compete at Neligh-Oakdale today at 5:00.
Good Luck to our JH girls’ basketball team as we host Madison today at 4:00 p.m. in the St. Boniface Gym. The “A” team will play the first game followed by the “B” team. Covid guidelines will be enforced. Student Council members will clean up after games.
Winter sports pictures at 3:45 this afternoon @ EPS.
One Act performance this afternoon at 2:00 today in the St. Boniface Gym. Cast and crew will switch lunches with the JH (12:15 p.m.) and report to the gym.