Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Thursday: Deli Turkey w/ WG Bun Taco Salad Cheesy Hashbrowns Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad ___________________________________________________________________________
All school Mass celebration this morning at 8:15 in the St. Boniface Church.
Happy Birthday to Jack B. who is celebrating his birthday today.
Congratulations to Emily M. representing our school in KCAU Best of the Class.
High school JAM presentations tonight.
All Pope John students are asked to stop in Room 12 on your way to your 3rd period class today.
May calendar items due in the office by dismissal today. Senior grades due Thursday, May 5th.
The following need to pay for their band polos ASAP – Aubrie.
There will be a meeting for all girls in grades 6th-11th (JH/HS) interested in going out for volleyball next year on Monday, May 16th in Ms. Selting’s room after school. Ms. Selting will address the group and then the JH girls may leave.
Reminder that Little Pack Volleyball Camp forms are due Friday, May 4th.