Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Wednesday: (Senior Meal) Goulash Cauliflower Blueberry Muffin Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad ___________________________________________________________________________
Good Luck to our athletic teams competing in different events today. NVC Golf @ Summerland beginning at 9:00 this morning (Carter, Linus, Paiton, Jack & Kellan), high school track at Creighton at 1:15 this afternoon and JH track at Genoa beginning at 9:00 a.m. HS track members are dismissed at 11:10 a.m.
Thank you to our music students who presented an enjoyable concert last night.
May calendar items due in the office by Wednesday, April 27th. Senior grades due Thursday, May 5th.
Reminder—academic award winner names due to Brenda by today.
STEM students please report to Mrs. Klein’s room for class today.
The following need to pay for their band polos ASAP – Aubrie.
There will be a meeting for all girls in grades 6th-11th (JH/HS) interested in going out for volleyball next year on Monday, May 16th in Ms. Selting’s room after school. Ms. Selting will address the group and then the JH girls may leave.
Reminder that Little Pack Volleyball Camp forms are due Friday, May 4th.