Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Thursday: Chicken Noodle Soup Pull-a-Part Bread Baby Carrots Cookie Fruit Milk NO Chef Salad __________________________________________________________________________________
Ash Wednesday: all school Mass celebration at 8:15 this morning in the St. Boniface Church.
Happy Birthday to Nathan B. celebrating his birthday today.
We will be hosting a Blood Drive today in the KC Hall from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Seniors will be working.
Congratulations to our boys’ basketball team on their win over Neligh-Oakdale. We will play Humphrey/Lindsay Holy Family tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. in the St. Boniface Gym. National Honor Society and freshmen girls who did not help last night will clean up after game on Thursday.
*The southeast gym door will be locked. All players, managers, coaches and fans must enter through the north main doors. Only the MAIN ENTRANCE CAN BE USED TO GAIN ACCESS TO THE GYM. *No standing on/near the end lines. Seating will be available on the stage for today’s game. **PJ students: Use the MAIN ENTRY only. The side doors will be locked. **SB students: No playing in the lobby. Walk on the sidelines – No running. Sitting with your parents is preferred
The bus will leave for the LHNE speech meet at 6:30 a.m. Friday.
Emily Borer will be at school on Tuesday, February 28th after lunch to provide an opportunity for anyone wanting to rent a tux through Roxi’s Elegant Bridal. She will need a $40 deposit-cash or check made out to Roxi’s Elegant Bridal. Renters are responsible for picking up the tux in Norfolk 2-3 days prior to prom but Emily will return them on Monday, March 27th if they are brought to the office by 8:30 a.m.
March calendar items are due in the office by noon on Thursday.
Mrs. Schwartz announces National FFA Week activities: *Wednesday* – FFA Day! Wear FFA T-shirts *Thursday* – Teacher Appreciation Day *Friday* – Ice Cream Day. Winners of coloring contest and ‘calve’ guess will be announced
Juniors and seniors are invited to the upcoming TEC Weekend, March 18-20 at Glad Tidings, Bloomfield. This intergenerational movement helps youth transition into young adulthood. TEC draws participants into the heart of the Catholic faith: Christ’s Paschal Mystery (His passion, death, and resurrection) lived out in the Church while also reflecting on the person of Christ and who He is in their lives, and experience meaningful relationships with others. Retreat fee is only $75. To register, please pick up an application form from the front office. If you have questions, please contact Becky Kerkman at 843-6043.