Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Wednesday: Fish Square/Bun Mashed Potatoes Corn Fruit Milk OR Chef Salad ____________________________________________________________________________________
JH students will be attending their retreat at Tintern today. Lifetime Activities report to Mrs. Klein’s room. Bring a pen/pencil.
Good Luck to our boys’ basketball team playing Neligh-Oakdale in subdistricts tonight at 6:15 in the St. Boniface Gym. Riverside vs. Humphrey/Lindsay Holy Family will follow at 7:30.
March calendar items are due in the office by noon on Thursday.
Mrs. Schwartz announces National FFA Week activities: *Tuesday* – Who’s Calve is Who’s? – Don’t skip leg day! Pictures of the chapter officers’ “calves” will be posted by each school’s office. Form will be available to match picture with officer. *Wednesday* – FFA Day! Wear FFA T-shirts *Thursday* – Teacher Appreciation Day *Friday* – Ice Cream Day. Winners of coloring contest and ‘calve’ guess will be announced
Today for FFA Week there are pictures posted outside of both PJ and EPS high school offices. Guess the picture to match the FFA officer. There will be a drawing for correct answers later this week for a chance to win a prize! FFA Prizes are the Best so come and Guess!
Elgin Public Schools has revised their cell phone use rules and students must keep cell phones in their lockers all day. PJ students with classes at EPS must now keep their cell phones in their POPE JOHN *lockers *- you should not take it with you to EPS.
This week for boy’s subdistrict basketball we are hosting the games. Please read info below. Clean up for the games (make plans to be there) All girls in grades 9-12 will clean up today and National Honor Society will clean up on Thursday, February 23rd
*The southeast gym door will be locked. All players, managers, coaches and fans must enter through the north main doors. Only the MAIN ENTRANCE CAN BE USED TO GAIN ACCESS TO THE GYM. *No standing on/near the end lines. Seating will be available on the stage for today’s game. **PJ students: Use the MAIN ENTRY only. The side doors will be locked. **SB students: No playing in the lobby. Walk on the sidelines – No running. Sitting with your parents is preferred