Menu: Chicken Teriyaki            Rice      Broccoli/Cheese      Fruit     Milk    NO Chef’s Salad

Happy Birthday to Father Vogel and Taylynne C. who are celebrating their birthdays today.

December calendar items due in the office by next Monday (November 26th) @ noon.

Good Luck to our JH wrestlers as we host a match at EPS this afternoon at 3:00.

Picture retakes as well as photos for those absent on the original day will be next Wednesday morning. (Cale K., Ashlynne C. & Josie R.)

All are invited to bring cakes for the Cake Walk on Thanksgiving Day. It is a way to support those going on the March for Life in January.  Right to Life members are expected to bring 2 items. The church basement will be set up Tuesday evening, so cakes can be brought on Wednesday or on Thursday by 11:00.  There will be a check-off paper there for you to mark.  Thank to all who decide to help with this.

Students who ordered a One Act t-shirt.  The cost is $20 per shirt and must be paid before you receive your shirt.  They should be here next Monday.

Congratulations to students placing at District Livestock Judging last week with 107 participants:  Overall Individual–Kyle S. 25th and Lane B. 33rd; Beef Division–Kyle S. 8th and Lane B–32nd; Sheep Division–Kyle S.-15th and Lane B.-37th; Swine Division—Lane B-21st , Araceli P-22nd and Kaylee M-25th; Reasons—Kyle S.-21st and Lane B.-31st; Questions—Adam D. 23rd & Lauren S.-25th and Test Overall—Lauren S.-10th and Kyle S.-17th.

Ervin D.-ex.


Early Dismissal


St. Boniface


Myles V.

Early Dismissal

Freshmen/sophomore retreat @ Tintern


Menu: Mr. Rib/Bun      Scalloped Potatoes    Corn     Pumpkin Dessert   Fruit    Milk    OR Chef Salad

Tuesday:  Chicken Teriyaki            Rice      Broccoli/Cheese      Fruit     Milk    NO Chef’s Salad

UNK representative will be here at 1:00 this afternoon to visit with the juniors.

December calendar items due in the office by next Monday (November 26th) @ noon.

All are invited to bring cakes for the Cake Walk on Thanksgiving Day. It is a way to support those going on the March for Life in January.  Right to Life members are expected to bring 2 items. The church basement will be set up Tuesday evening, so cakes can be brought on Wednesday or on Thursday by 11:00.  There will be a check-off paper there for you to mark.  Thank to all who decide to help with this.

Permission forms to attend “Love or Lust” this Sunday need to be turned in to the office before leaving noon today.

Please do not unplug or adjust the new TV in the gym lobby. If adjustments need to be made please contact Mrs. Evans or Anna Meis.

Wrestling online website order form is up and running. Orders are due today by 10:00 a.m.

Students who ordered a One Act t-shirt.  The cost is $20 per shirt and must be paid before you receive your shirt.  They should be here today.

Volleyball awards night this evening at 7:00 in the EPS lunchroom.

If anyone needs a picture retake you must return the entire, uncut packet to the office today with a reason for retakes.  Retakes will be the first thing in the morning on Wednesday, November 28th.  If you were absent the day of pictures be sure to bring your packet and payment with you to school on the 28th.

Onesa R.-ex.
Natalie B.-ex.

Simon B.
Ervin D.

Early Dismissal
Faith K.-leaving @ 11:15 a.m.
Haley Z.-leaving @ 11:15 a.m.


St. Boniface

Cecil S.-ex.
Kellan H.-ex. (here 8:50)

Myles V.

Early Dismissal



Menu:   Rotoni & Ham Casserole   Peas   Dinner Bun   Fruit    Milk  OR Chef Salad

Monday:  Mr. Rib/Bun      Scalloped Potatoes    Corn  Pumpkin Dessert   Fruit  Milk  OR Chef Salad

Happy Birthday to Mrs. Starman who is celebrating her birthday today and Sharon B. who will celebrate her birthday on Sunday.

Our one act members will present “Frankenstein Slept Here” tomorrow night in the St. Boniface Gym.  Advance tickets only for the dinner/show.  Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students K-12 for the show only and are sold at the door.

Pope John students, you have done an amazing job with selling grocery certificates! Congratulations for not only meeting the school goal of $100,000, but surpassing it by quite a margin. Final figures aren’t available yet, nor are the family totals. Just know that if you met the family goal of $1,500 you can plan on a fun trip to Norfolk on Wednesday! Again, thank you for your cooperation in our annual project to raise money for CCPJ.  NOTE: Please use the weekend to deliver all of the certificates/debit cards. Thank our patrons when you do.

Wrestling online website order form is up and running. Orders are due by the 19th at 10:00 a.m.

St. Boniface Book Fair All Week—7:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. today.

Students who ordered a One Act t-shirt.  The cost is $20 per shirt and must be paid before you receive your shirt.  They should be here Monday!

Reminder that volleyball awards night is scheduled for this Monday at 7:00 p.m. in the EPS lunchroom.

If anyone needs a picture retake you must return the entire, uncut packet to the office by next Monday with a reason for retakes.  Retakes will be the first thing in the morning on Wednesday, November 28th.  If you were absent the day of pictures be sure to bring your packet and payment with you to school on the 28th.

If you would like to participate in the “Turkey Drawing” sponsored by Kyle and Deb Warren, please sign up in the office by dismissal today.

Reminder that canned food donations are due today.  There are designated areas in the front hall for the Houses and/or grades.

Elise R.-ex.
EmmaL R.-ex.
Paiton H.-ex.
Conor R.-ex.
Ervin D.-ex.

Austin B.

Early Dismissal
Kayce K.-leaving @ 10:30 a.m. & will not return


St. Boniface

Emery B.-ex.
Harmon B.-ex.
Alison K.-ex.
Aiden K.-ex.

Myles V.
Sawyer V.
Landyn V.

Early Dismissal
James L.-leaving @ 1:00 p.m.



Menu:   Chicken Breast Fillet w/WG Bun    Mashed Potatoes/Gravy    Green Beans   Fruit   Milk   OR Chef Salad

Friday:  Rotoni & Ham Casserole   Peas   Dinner Bun   Fruit  Milk  OR Chef Salad

Junior and senior parents are reminded to pay their Post Prom fee in the office ASAP!

Wrestling online website order form is up and running. Orders are due by the 19th at 10:00 a.m.

St. Boniface Book Fair All Week—7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. today.

Good Luck to our JH wrestlers as they compete in Newman Grove this afternoon at 3:00.  They are dismissed after lunch.

Our Grocery Sales project ends today.

If anyone needs a picture retake you must return the entire, uncut packet to the office by next Monday with a reason you need retakes.  Retakes will be Wednesday, November 28th first thing in the morning.

If you would like to participate in the “Turkey Drawing” sponsored by Kyle and Deb Warren, please sign up in the office by dismissal on Friday.

Reminder that canned food donations are due by this Friday.  There are designated areas in the front hall for the Houses and/or grades.

Elise R.-ex.
Abby H.-ex.
Ervin D.-ex.


Early Dismissal


St. Boniface



Early Dismissal



Menu:   Vegetable Beef Soup     Pull-a-Part Bread     Cookies    Fruit   Milk       NO Chef Salad

Thursday:  Chicken Breast Fillet w/WG Bun    Mashed Potatoes/Gravy    Green Beans   Fruit   Milk   OR Chef Salad
Congratulations to the One Act members on receiving 1st place at NVC yesterday.  Several individuals received recognition also.

St. Boniface Grandparent Day!

Junior and senior parents are reminded to pay their Post Prom fee in the office ASAP!

Ag students not attending livestock judging today remain here.

St. Boniface Book Fair All Week—7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. today.

Boy’s basketball parent meeting this evening at 7:00 at EPS.

If you would like to participate in the “Turkey Drawing” sponsored by Kyle and Deb Warren, please sign up in the office by dismissal on Friday.

Congratulations to Wolfpack Volleyball girls making All Conference Honors: 
Honorable Mention:  Grace R. and Haley Z.,

2nd Team:  Kaylee Martinsen

1st Team:  Allyson Wemhoff & Anna Heilhecker

Reminder that canned food donations are due by this Friday.  There are designated areas in the front hall for the Houses and/or grades.

Haley Z.-ex.


Early Dismissal


St. Boniface

Aubrey S.-ex.


Early Dismissal

District Livestock Judging @ Ord:  Lexi B., Kali D., Emma M., Natalie B., Harlie B., Alyssa B., Kirsten K., Marissa P., Ally S., Lane B., Faith K., Haley Z., Kyle S. & Lauren S.


Menu:   Pizza (Round)    Corn      Strawberry Salad    Fruit   Milk    OR Chef Salad

Wednesday:  Vegetable Beef Soup     Pull-a-Part Bread     Cookies    Fruit   Milk       NO Chef Salad

The Eucharist will be celebrated at 11:50 this morning in the St. Boniface Church.

Welcome to Sebastian and Hunter Olnes who will join our schools today.  Sebastian is in the 7th grade and Hunter the 4th.

Good Luck to our One Act members competing in NVC at Elgin Public today.

Mrs. Payne’s classes           P. 2 (6th grade) – Mrs. Bartak               P. 4 – Mrs. Evans                 P. 5 – Sister Pat 
 Mrs. Schiltmeyer’s P. 4 – Mrs. Getzfred
Junior and senior parents are reminded to pay their Post Prom fee in the office ASAP!

FFA members attending livestock judging–the bus leaves EPS at 7:15 a.m. tomorrow.  Lunch is provided. We will be indoors but it will still be chilly in the arena, so please bring a winter coat and gloves! We should be back in time for 8th period, maybe some of 7th. 

Ag students not involved in One Act will remain here today and if not attending livestock judging tomorrow you will also remain here.

St. Boniface Book Fair All Week—7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. today.

Boy’s basketball parent meeting tomorrow evening at 7:00 at EPS.

If you would like to participate in the “Turkey Drawing” sponsored by Kyle and Deb Warren, please sign up in the office by dismissal on Friday.

Reminder that canned food donations are due by this Friday.  There are designated areas in the front hall for the Houses and/or grades.

Taylynne C.-ex.
Jamie D.-ex.
Simon B.-ex.
Abby Hemenway-ex.
Blake H.-ex.


Early Dismissal
Kyle S.-leaving @ 10:00 a.m. & will return after lunch



St. Boniface


Myles V.

Early Dismissal
Kaitey S.-leaving @ 11:00 & will not return





Menu:   Hot Dog w/ WG Bun    Tri-Pattie     Baked Beans   Fruit   Milk   OR Chef Salad

Tuesday:  Pizza (Round)    Corn      Strawberry Salad    Fruit   Milk  OR Chef Salad

Lunch Order:  12,11,10,9,8,7

Happy Birthday to Emma Lea R. as she celebrates her birthday today.

We will be attending the Veteran’s Day Program in the EPS Gym at 11:00 this morning.  Choir is dismissed at 10:20 a.m. and others at 10:40 a.m. to walk.  This afternoon we will attend the One Act Matinee. Cast and crew will be dismissed at 1:45 this afternoon and remaining students and faculty @ 2:35 to walk to the gym.

Junior and senior parents are reminded to pay their Post Prom fee in the office ASAP!

FFA members attending livestock judging–the bus leaves EPS at 7:15 a.m. this Wednesday.  Lunch is provided. We will be indoors but it will still be chilly in the arena, so please bring a winter coat and gloves! We should be back in time for 8th period, maybe some of 7th. 

St. Boniface Book Fair All Week—8:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. today.

Reminder that canned food donations are due by this Friday.  There are designated areas in the front hall for the Houses and/or grades.

Jamie D.-ex.
Lexi B.


Early Dismissal
Linus B.-leaving after Veteran’s Program & will return
Kaylee R.-leaving @ 10:30 a.m. & will return after lunch



St. Boniface



Early Dismissal





Menu:   Deli Ham Sandwich w/ WG Bun    Sweet Potato Fries    Green Beans   Fruit    Milk  OR Chef Salad

Monday:  Hot Dog w/ WG Bun    Tri-Pattie     Baked Beans   Fruit   Milk   OR Chef Salad

Happy Birthday to Mr. Becker who will celebrate his birthday tomorrow.

Reminder that dinner theatre tickets and money is due.  Each family is required to sell 10 tickets.  Many people in the community and our school have not been asked!!

Junior and senior parents are reminded to pay their Post Prom fee in the office ASAP!

A pair of adult black gloves found and may be claimed in the office.

Jamie D.-ex.
Kali D.
Abby H.-ex.
Kirsten K.
Ally S.-ex.


Early Dismissal



St. Boniface

Kate B.
Kaitey S.-ex.


Early Dismissal
Olivia K.-leaving @ 3:00 p.m.

Aiden K.-leaving @ 3:00 p.m.
Michael S.-leaving @ 3:00 p.m.




Menu:   Tacos w/ Soft Shell    Corn   Jell-O    Fruit   Milk   OR Chef Salad

Friday:  Deli Ham Sandwich w/ WG Bun    Sweet Potato Fries    Green Beans   Fruit    Milk  OR Chef Salad

Students—if a school bus has the stop sign arm out, even if at a stop sign, vehicles in both directions MUST STOP.

Good Luck to our JH wrestlers as they compete in Madison today at 4:00 p.m. They will be dismissed at 1:50 p.m. and picked up by 2:00 this afternoon from Pope John.

Reminder that dinner theatre tickets and money is due.  Each family is required to sell 10 tickets.  Many people in the community and our school have not been asked!!

Junior and senior parents are reminded to pay their Post Prom fee in the office ASAP!

Jamie D.-ex.
Emma M.-ex.
Ervin D.-ex.


Early Dismissal



St. Boniface



Early Dismissal
Isaac & Sara H.-leaving @ 2:50 p.m.




Menu:   Cornbread     Sausage   Baked Beans     Fruit   Milk    OR Chef Salad

Thursday:  Tacos w/ Soft Shell    Corn   Jell-O    Fruit   Milk   OR Chef Salad

Reminder that dinner theatre tickets and money is to be turned in to the office today.  Each family is required to sell 10 tickets.  Many people in the community and our school have not been asked!!

Short meeting for anyone going out for girl’s basketball today in Mr. Eisenhauer’s room after school.

Junior and senior parents are reminded to pay their Post Prom fee in the office ASAP!

JH students need to report to 5th period after lunch today.

9-12th students and Mrs. Evans, Sister Pat, Father Vogel, Mrs. Payne, Sandi and Brenda will be attending the “Gosnell” movie in Norfolk.  K-12th students will eat lunch at 11:50 a.m. with the high school eating first.  We will leave at 12:30  and will not be back in time for the afternoon bus routes.  Periods 1-4 classes will be held.



Early Dismissal



St. Boniface



Early Dismissal
Samantha S.-leaving @ 12:45 p.m. & will not return