Menu: Chicken Teriyaki Rice Broccoli/Cheese Fruit Milk NO Chef’s Salad
Happy Birthday to Father Vogel and Taylynne C. who are celebrating their birthdays today.
December calendar items due in the office by next Monday (November 26th) @ noon.
Good Luck to our JH wrestlers as we host a match at EPS this afternoon at 3:00.
Picture retakes as well as photos for those absent on the original day will be next Wednesday morning. (Cale K., Ashlynne C. & Josie R.)
All are invited to bring cakes for the Cake Walk on Thanksgiving Day. It is a way to support those going on the March for Life in January. Right to Life members are expected to bring 2 items. The church basement will be set up Tuesday evening, so cakes can be brought on Wednesday or on Thursday by 11:00. There will be a check-off paper there for you to mark. Thank to all who decide to help with this.
Students who ordered a One Act t-shirt. The cost is $20 per shirt and must be paid before you receive your shirt. They should be here next Monday.
Congratulations to students placing at District Livestock Judging last week with 107 participants: Overall Individual–Kyle S. 25th and Lane B. 33rd; Beef Division–Kyle S. 8th and Lane B–32nd; Sheep Division–Kyle S.-15th and Lane B.-37th; Swine Division—Lane B-21st , Araceli P-22nd and Kaylee M-25th; Reasons—Kyle S.-21st and Lane B.-31st; Questions—Adam D. 23rd & Lauren S.-25th and Test Overall—Lauren S.-10th and Kyle S.-17th.
Ervin D.-ex.
Early Dismissal
St. Boniface
Myles V.
Early Dismissal
Freshmen/sophomore retreat @ Tintern