Monday: ___________________________________________________________________________
Happy Birthday to Aiden K. who will celebrate his birthday on Saturday.
Good Luck to our musical cast, crew and directors performing “Singin’ in the Rain” tonight at 7:00 and Sunday night at 7:00 in the St. Boniface Gym. Tickets are available at the door. Students K through 12th will attend a preview this afternoon at 1:30.
Lunch schedule: 11:40-12:10 PJ Lunch 12:30-1:05 SB Lunch (recess @ noon) PJ schedule P. 5 12:13-12:48 P. 6 12:50-1:25
Any student interested in traveling to Spain in the summer of 2024 please see Mrs. Klein. There will be a parent informational meeting on Thursday, April 27th at 6:00 p.m. in Mrs. Klein’s room.
Mr. Kratochvil’s classes after lunch should report to the office. (P. 5 & 6)
St. Boniface First Holy Communion celebration will be Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
On April 27th Francis, Gonzaga and Joshua students will have a “comfy day” as a reward for their Lenten Charity to Zach Eischeid and Tintern Retreat & Resource Center.
Good Luck to our golf team competing at Plainview tomorrow beginning at 8:30 a.m.
* Students—please pick up and pay for your musical shirts before leaving school today*. Jack, Tessa, Matthew, Taylynne & Ashlynne
*If you wish to be a Junior Counselor this year at the May 24-28 JC Camp at Tintern,* Paul Weeder needs to know by April 22, so text or call him at 402-741-1353. For current 8th and 9th graders wishing to attend JC Camp, there are registration packets available in the entrance of churches for you to fill out and send in.